
10 Swords In Marvel Comics That Are Completely OP | CBR


Although many of Marvel's most powerful heroes do not need weapons, given their fantastic super-powers, some wield very powerful swords. Within Marvel Comics, there are a handful of blades that are utterly overpowered.

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From Asgardian blades to mystical earthly ones, there are many powerful Marvel swords to choose from. Here are the top ten swords in Marvel Comics that are completely overpowered.

10 Dragonfang

Crafted from the tusk of a dragon from another dimension, Dragonfang is one of the deadliest swords in Marvel comics. For much of its history, this sword was in the possession of the Ancient One, who later passed it on to Doctor Strange.

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As a founding member of the Defenders, Doctor Strange went on many adventures with some of the most powerful heroes. Later on, in the team's history, the Asgardian Valkyrie joined up. Doctor Strange then gifted this extraordinary weapon to the Asgardian warrior.

9 Excalibur

The former blade of the fabled King Arthur, Excalibur is another one of Marvel's most powerful swords. King Arthur used this sword to fell many powerful enemies and it has popped up in recent years, being used by many great heroes, such as Captain Britain, Black Knight, and Faiza Hussein, a new hero who then called herself Excalibur.

Excalibur can kill anything, including gods, spirits, and immortal beings. It also has healing capabilities that can be used to miraculous effect.

8 Ebony Blade

Wielded by the Black Knight, the Ebony Blade has a long list of powers that make it an incredible weapon. It can cut through almost any substance, including adamantium. This blade can also absorb energy and breakthrough any sort of mystical barrier.

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Although it has many great powers, the Ebony Blade also carries a curse. Every time it is used to draw blood, the Blade slowly drives its wielder closer to madness. This prompted Black Knight to dispose of the Blade, although it will no doubt be found and used again in the future.

7 Soulsword

Magik is one of the X-Men's most powerful magic users. While trapped within the dimension known as Limbo, Magik created the Soulsword using her own lifeforce. It was immediately one of the most powerful weapons in the entire universe.

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The Soulsword is imbued with all of Magik's abilities. Anyone who wields the Soulsword becomes the ruler of Limbo and is granted many of Magik's powers. It is a devastating weapon against beings made up of magic and/or energy and can dispell any magical effects that have been placed upon a person/object. Granting enhanced strength and abilities to its user, however, is the Soulsword's most powerful effect.

6 Phoenix Blade

Rook'shir, an ancient Shi'ar warrior, was the original being to be bonded with the Phoenix Force. While he possessed the cosmic energy, Rook'shir used his Phoenix Blade to help harness and direct this massive power.

After later losing the Phoenix Force, a share of its power remained within the blade. Even a portion of the Phoenix Force still amounts to massive amounts of energy. This allows its wielders (who must be decedents of Rook'shir) to produce massive amounts of energy from the blade in order to destroy their enemies.

5 Quantum Sword

Created by the cosmic hero Phyla-Vell, the Quantum Sword is made up of pure quantum energy. This sword is a construct of Phyla-Vell's Quantum Bands, which contain vast amounts of energy and an ability to absorb/ project this energy.

This Quantum Sword is essentially a conduit for all of Phyla-Vell's powers. Although she is already extremely powerful on her own, being able to focus this energy into one physical object allows her to truly unleash her full potential.

4 Godkiller/ Grasscutter

There was a time long ago when the gods of both Japanese and Greek lore went to war with one another. Zeus, the leader of the Greek Pantheon and Amatsu-Mikaboshi, a Japanese god, faced each other for deadly conflict. In preparation for their battle, each god had a special blade crafted for the unique occasion.

While Amatsu-Mikaboshi wielded the deadly Grasscutter blade, Zeus was gifted the powerful Godkiller. The blades appear to be equally powerful, as both were made by the same blacksmith. They have killed many people and even some gods. Any weapon wielded by Zeus must be one of the most powerful of the galaxy.

3 Muramasa Blade

This weapon can kill almost anything. Gifted to Wolverine by Muramasa, it was created to help Wolverine enact fatal revenge on all the people responsible for murdering his wife, Itsu. Any wound made with the Muramasa Blade cannot be healed, at least not quickly, even if the victim has Wolverine's enhanced healing factor.

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Although the blade's limits were never truly tested, given its anti-healing properties, one could easily assume that it could kill the most powerful beings in Marvel.

2 Odinsword

Most definitely the largest sword on this list, the Odinsword is several hundred feet in length. Although originally the weapon of the fire demon Surtur, this blade then fell into Odin's possession whos decided to make it his own weapon.

When Asgard becomes under attack by the Celestials, Odin absorbs the power of every god in Asgard (except Thor). Imbued with all of this power, Odin becomes several hundred feet tall. He then draws the Odinsword and uses it to battle the cosmic creatures.

1 Twilight Sword

Created by the Fire Giant Surtur, the Twilight Sword was formed using the burning of an entire galaxy. The Twilight Sword has been wielded by Surtur, Hela, Loki, Morgan Le Fay, and many others to do accomplish many impossible feats.

Not only can this sword cut through anything whether that be physical objects or magical barriers, but it can also harness enough magical energy to reform a universe. Its wielder can use the sword for ultimate destruction. It is prophesized that the sword would be used to destroy Asgard and it did. Although, this was an alternate Asgard. Loki used his trickery to both fool Surtur and the prophecy itself.

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