WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for "Nevermore," the season finale of Young Justice: Outsiders, streaming now on DC Universe.
The responsibility that comes with leadership can be a heavy burden, and that's evident in Young Justice's first three seasons. Season 1 saw the original lineup struggle to decide on a team leader, with Aqualad finally stepping up to fill the position until Robin was ready. The five-year time jump for Season 2 allowed the former Robin, Dick Grayson, to assume leadership, along with the new crime-fighting identity of Nightwing.
In Season 3, another time jump introduced changes for both the Young Justice team and the Justice League, with Kaldur'ahm becoming the new Aquaman and co-chairing the Justice League alongside Wonder Woman. With Kaldur now a part of the Justice League and Nightwing retired following Wally West's death, Miss Martian took over leadership of the covert-ops unit.
However, these new leaders have secretly been conspiring with Batman and Nightwing to dictate events in favor of the DC heroes. While that normally wouldn't be negative, the manner in which they worked to keep their work a secret ultimately blew up when Black Lightning learned the truth. Jefferson Pierce already resigned from the Justice League in the first episode, but was pulled back into action by Nightwing to help stop a metahuman-trafficking ring in Markovia.
Although the Season 3 finale resolves the trafficking subplot, it also shuffles the deck by introducing another unexpected leader for the Justice League.

In the closing moments of "Nevermore," Batman and Nightwing call a meeting at the Watchtower. Those heroes who can't make it in person -- the Space Team aboard the Javelin and members of Batman Inc. inside the Batcave -- are present via satellite to hear the dynamic duo confess to their meddling in the shadows. The last hero to arrive is Black Lightning.
Nightwing takes point to spell out their plan of taking down The Light, but admits they kept it a secret in a misguided attempt to protect everyone. Aquaman and Wonder Woman also speak up, declaring they are stepping down as co-chairs of the Justice League. Miss Martian joins them in resigning as leader of The Team. And although Nightwing isn't an official member of the Justice League, he nominates the only person who has consistently acted as the conscience of the team: Black Lightning.
Wonder Woman seconds Nightwing's motion, which receives unanimous approval from the assembled heroes. Of course, Black Lightning tries to decline the nomination, but Superboy insists they need him to take the position. Black Lightning's one request of Batman is that he ends all of the behind-the-scenes plotting; either Batman is in or he's out. To his credit, the Dark Knight says he is willing to fold Batman Inc. back into the League and The Team, on Black Lightning's terms.
Part of the stipulations also includes Nightwing rejoining The Team to work under Black Lightning. After taking a deep breath, Black Lightning gives a speech rallying the troops, reminding them of how heroes can get lost fighting the good fight and becoming the very thing they oppose, using Vandal Savage, Teth Adam, Ra's al Ghul and Geo-Force as examples. He declares this won't happen on his watch because the days of keeping secrets are over. One of his first acts is to keep the covert team, as it affords the young heroes a place to learn outside of the spotlight.
It's a huge moment for Black Lightning, but you can say that Young Justice: Outsiders has been building to this moment from the very beginning. We saw Jefferson Pierce at his lowest when he accidentally killed a metahuman teen in space, quit the Justice League and then return when needed, while also caring deeply for Geo-Force, Halo, Forager and Terra. We even saw Black Lightning get his heart broken by Dr. Helga Jace's betrayal. Through it all, he has stood as a pillar of responsibility, and the type of person to command respect from the likes of Batman and Wonder Woman.
Young Justice: Outsiders is streaming on DC Universe.
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