
Endgame: 10 Reasons Captain America’s Time Travel Paradox Makes Sense


The ending of Avengers: Endgame was bittersweet in more ways than one, but one of the top moments was seeing Steve as an old man hand over his title to Sam Wilson. While returning the stones to their rightful places in the time stream, Steve purposely went past the present time and went back to his own, the time where Peggy still existed.

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As heart-warming as this was, the questions about timeline continuity, time travel paradoxes, and even the morality of his choice have plagued fans ever since. Did Captain America’s decision really make sense? Let’s analyze it.

10 Steve Was Tired

Steve had been fighting as Captain America for a long time. He witnessed friends die, come back to life, and disappear in the snap. He was frozen in ice and woke up in a different century, separated from his best girl for what seemed would be forever.

That kind of stuff wears on a person after a while. So when the opportunity came for him to go back in time and possibly regain what he had lost, Steve wasn’t going to pass it up. He has fought the good fight. It was time for him to finally go back home.

9 Steve Didn’t Alter His Own Timeline

The world was virtually unchanged when Old Steve Rogers reappeared at the end of Endgame. That means that nothing that Steve did significantly changed his own timeline or anyone else’s. Everything remained the same as when he left, and Sam mentioning “a world without Captain America” implied the coming future, not a suddenly altered past.

No one else had anything to say about it at the end of the movie, proving that the biggest blow was Steve not being around anymore, not some sudden erasure of him from the Avengers' history. It’s like he merely backtracked along his own timeline!

8 There Was No Time Travel Rule Against It

During the explanatory time travel talk (that was created for the benefit of the audience, thank you Marvel), there was a lot of warning about not irrevocably changing things by meddling in past affairs. It would result in an unpredictable amount of divergent timelines, or worse, a timeline collapsing paradox.

Everything taken out had to be returned asap. But there was nothing said about adding something (or someone) new. Steve inserting himself into the timeline was not even considered, let alone warned against. It’s likely he considered this while returning the stones to their rightful time settings.

7 Steve Trusts Bucky

Many fans were up in arms about Steve leaving behind Bucky Barnes. But, Steve clearly had a lot of faith and trust in his friend. He knew that Bucky would understand and support his decision, and Bucky’s knowing look and soft smile when he realizes who is sitting on the bench proves that Steve was right.

They have been through hell together, and the two friends have only ever wanted happiness for each other. Plus, Steve was able to see Bucky brought back to life and freed of his brainwashing, so he knew he’d be ok.

6 Steve Trusts Sam

Steve’s other closest friend, Sam Wilson, had already proven himself to be of the same mind and disposition as Captain America. Clearly, when Steve made his decision to stay in the past with Peggy, he already had in mind who would take up his mantle and carry his shield.

Steve was not naive; he knew the world would mourn his loss just as they did when he was stuck in the ice. The world would need a new Captain America, while Bucky Barnes would need someone else to follow into battle. Steve trusted that Sam could bear this heavy load with honor.

5 Steve Had Nothing Holding Him Back From Leaving

Other than what was left of his team, Steve really had nothing rooting him to the present. SHIELD was all but gone, Tony had passed away, and the biggest known threat to Earth was defeated. The Avengers entity was still alive and ready to defend Earth from new threats, with a new lineup of formidable heroes.

Steve was essentially a free agent. He had no one to protect and no romantic entanglements (the weird kiss with Peggy’s niece aside). There was nothing binding him to the present/future, but there was plenty waiting in the past.

4 The Future Hadn’t Changed Steve

Despite living in the present/future for perhaps a decade, Steve hadn’t changed much. Sure, he caught up on a few pop culture references and got accustomed to modern music, transportation, and morals. However, you can take the man out of the '40s but you can’t take the depression-era kid and WWII veteran out of the man.

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Probably the biggest change Steve underwent throughout each movie was his new haircuts and his decision to finally begin wearing jeans. Seeing as he never quite settled into the future, it was probably an easy transition back into the past.

3 Steve Came To Peggy After The Events Of Her Show

The directors chose where to have Steve land very meticulously. It was years after his disappearance and Peggy had already worked to establish herself as a very important member of SHIELD. That ensured that Steve would not run into his past self again or possibly alter his own timeline.

It also insured that Peggy would be available, with no competing suitors. It’s obvious she missed Steve as much as he missed her, even though they both tried their best to move on. The reunion was no doubt hyper-emotional, tear-filled, and heart-warming. They got their slow dance, finally, thank God!

2 Old Steve Knew Exactly Where To Be

When Old Man Steve made his first appearance he knew exactly where to wait for his teammates. That is further proof that the timeline wasn’t altered, and that things happened the same way as before. Steve was ready to have that conversation with Sam, had prepared for it in fact.

Steve had the shield ready to bestow and looked very at peace with his decision and life. To them, he had been there only a second ago, but for Steve, it had been a lifetime. He had experienced everything twice, once as a participant and once as a bystander.

1 Peggy Never Says Her Husband's Name

One of the most popular fan theories is that the husband Peggy mentioned in a previous movie was actually the future version of Steve. The theory states that Steve and Peggy got married in secret and that Peggy then proceeded to keep the best secret in all of history!

The idea is not only plausible but is the only thing that makes any sense given what happens in Endgame. It also explains why there are no pictures of Peggy and her husband by her bedside, why he never is mentioned by the other characters, and why she never says his name.

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