
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: All Of The Homunculi, Ranked


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is full of villains with some seriously questionable morals, from rogue alchemists who use their powers for destruction to the Homunculi that serve the show's main villain, Father. The Homunculi are arguably the most dangerous antagonists in the series, as they're each made from a philosopher's stone, giving them all sorts of abilities that wouldn't normally be possible.

And Ed and Alphonse realize early on just how much trouble they're in when it comes to defeating the Homunculi, as even powerful alchemy doesn't always hold up against them. Each Homunculus has a unique set of skills that makes it difficult to defeat them individually — and nearly impossible to do so when they're working together.

But even though all of the Homunculi were granted certain skills from Father, some are more powerful than others, especially when it comes to combat. These are all the Homunculi from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, ranked by how powerful they are.

8 Sloth

Perhaps predictably given the deadly sin he's based on, Sloth is one of the least interesting Homunculi we meet during Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. His personality is exactly what one would expect it to be: He mostly just complains when there's something he needs to do.

But even if Sloth isn't the most entertaining of the Homunculi, he does have notable physical strength — and when he does make the decision to do something, it usually has gruesome results. Sloth can break through metal and stone with relative ease, and naturally, this means he can crush human beings with hardly any effort at all. He's also surprisingly quick when he needs to be, something the Armstrong siblings discover when they take him on.

But even with all of his physical prowess, those who are well versed in physical combat can hold their own against Sloth — something demonstrated by Izumi and the Armstrongs. Sloth is physically powerful, but his lack of cunning makes him the least threatening of the Homunculi.

7 Gluttony

Gluttony is one of the three Homunculi fans are introduced to at the beginning of the series, and to his credit, he survives for several seasons before meeting his end. He's got a range of useful powers — including regeneration, enhanced senses, and the ability to devour and digest pretty much anything — and he also has his own "Gate of Truth" inside of him.

Although Gluttony's numerous capabilities make him one of the stronger Homunculi, his childish nature prevents him from reaching his full potential. Not only does Gluttony seem to actually care for his siblings — a sentiment that Pride and Wrath certainly don't possess — but he also doesn't appear to truly understand their mission, or their dislike of humans.

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Gluttony merely wants to devour everything in front of him, and his lack of control paired with his empathy for the others make him less powerful by comparison. In fact, his lack of suspicion about his own siblings is what gets him killed by Pride in the end.

6 Greed

Most of the Homunculi we meet during Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood are dedicated to enacting Father's plans for world domination, but Greed breaks away from this objective to serve his own interests. It's Greed's cunning that makes him a worrisome foe, along with his nonchalance about whose side he's really on.

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Of course, Greed has a powerful physical ability like the others: a protective metal coating that makes him inpenetrable when it comes to weapons. This alone gives him an advantage in a fight, but the fact that he possesses Ling's body later in the series also gives him access to Ling's marital arts talents. Even with Ling's abilities, though, Greed has his weaknesses. Not only can his shield powers be manipulated by alchemy, but Ling succeeds in taking control back from the Homunculus — meaning he isn't quite as powerful as he seems at first glance.

5 Lust

With her laid-back demeanor and tendency to show up with a smile, it would be easy to write Lust off as one of the less powerful Homunculi — but it would also be a huge mistake. Lust serves as the leader of the three major Homunculi at the beginning of the series, and she certainly seems to have the mind to command the others. She's charming and manipulative, a powerful combination in any villain.

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In addition to her charm and wit, Lust is also able to turn her fingernails into blades, which she can extend over incredibly long distances. While that power doesn't sound too menacing on paper, it serves her well, enabling her to kill a number of characters before she meets her own death at the hands of Colonel Mustang. And even Lust's ability to remain upright for so long after Mustang's fiery attacks shows that she has a resilience that we never quite see from the other Homunculi.

4 Wrath

The twist that King Bradley is actually the Homunculus Wrath already raises fans expectations for the villain, as Bradley is introduced as one of the most powerful men in the country — both in terms of status and strength in battle. And taking his position into account may even raise Wrath on this list, as being the King of Amestris gives him command over armies that wouldn't normally take up their weapons for the sake of a Homunculus.

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But even putting his political influence aside, Wrath manages some pretty impressive feats throughout the series. He's an incredibly skilled swordsman, and his ultimate eye enables him to pick up on the smallest details. Those two abilities combined make him nearly impossible to defeat in combat. Wrath also can't be sensed like most of the other Homunculi can, something that gives him the element of surprise and allows him to disguise himself for so long.

3 Envy

Despite Envy’s humorous disposition, they're one of the more dangerous Homunculi the Elric brothers come across during Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. To start, Envy is capable of shape-shifting – an ability that allows them to trick plenty of their victims into trusting them before they kill them, including Maes Hughes. 

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And if Envy's human form is difficult to contend with, the chimeric form they later reveal is even more sinister. Appearing as a creature that resembles a dragon or dinosaur, Envy is able to crush anyone who gets in their path. As this form is also made up of human souls, Envy is able to manipulate those souls to attack enemies as well. Of all the Homunculi, Envy has the most powers that are exclusive to them, and they use all of those abilities to their advantage with a good amount of success.

2 Pride

Pride is the first Homunculus that Father created, and for most of the series, he poses as King Bradley's son in order to fool people into believing he's innocent and kind. When he does reveal his powers, however, it becomes clear that he's as dangerous as they come — which explains why he's presented as Father's favorite child.

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Pride has the ability to manipulate shadows, expanding and shaping the darkness to do his bidding for him. And the shadows Pride can command can expand to cover an entire city if he desires. Even if there is a limit on how far Pride's darkness can spread, that's pretty impressive. Pride can also see and speak through the eyes that cover his shadows, making him almost omnipresent. He can also mold the darkness to use it as a weapon, making it appear in the form of tentacles or sharpening it.

Pride's powers are the most deceptive and the most dangerous in the series, and for that reason, he's definitely the most powerful of Father's Homunculi. He also manages to survive the series in some form, which is more than the others can say.

1 Father

Father is the original Homunculus, and he was kept inside of a flask for years before Hohenheim freed him — with no idea what he was unleashing into the world. When Father is released, he sets out on a mission to become stronger than God, an objective he nearly succeeds in completing. If that doesn't highlight how powerful he is, nothing will.

In addition to Father's God-like qualities, he's the creator of all the other Homunculi on this list, with each of them representing one of his own deadly sins. As their creator and master, Father is capable of bending every character on this list to his will — and he can manipulate other alchemists' powers as well.

Had it not been for the last-ditch team effort Ed and his companions use to stop Father, Father would be ruling over Ametris at the end of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. And that's why its undeniable that he's the strongest of the Homunculi we meet, and possibly the most powerful character overall.

NEXT: 10 Life Lessons From Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
