
X-Men: All Of Jean Grey's Powers, Ranked | CBR


Jean Grey is not only one of the most powerful X-Men, but she is also one of the most powerful Mutants throughout Marvel comics. She is an Omega level mutant with the power of telepathy and telekinesis. With these abilities, she doesn't only move things and read other people's thoughts with her mind, but she use those abilities to do more things with just these two powers.

With her being so powerful on her own, it does not help when the Phoenix takes over her body and mind, thus making her a near-unstoppable force. Here is X-Men: All Of Jean Grey's Powers, Ranked.

10 Flight

Telepathy and telekinesis aside, Jean Grey also has the power of flight. She can use her power of telekinesis to not only move herself, but others as well. While at first, when Jean got her powers, she could barely concentrate on lifting up simple objects, she now has the power to lift herself and fly, for lack of a better term.

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The power of flight is one of Jean's most used abilities. She mostly uses it in battle, giving her the upper hand in a lot of fights. She is seen flying not only in the comics, but the TV shows and movie adaptations.

9 Telekinetic Weapons

Jean can create weapons from energy with true mass and threat. While this power was a little shaky at first, Psylocke, one the most popular psychic weapon users, helped gain control of it in Jean Grey. Unlike Psylocke, Jean doesn't specialize in a specific type of weapon or fighting style. While Psylocke predominately uses ninja weaponry and techniques, Jean mainly uses whatever comes to her mind in the moment.

Jean can create any weapon she wants with her mind. She creates these weapons with psychic energy and they can either attack her opponent psychically, mentally, or if she is feeling up to it, both.

8 Empathy

Another one of Jean's powerful abilities is empathy. On command, she can change how anyone is feeling, their emotions, or their sensations. Her empathy ability is actually one of the reasons the Phoenix chose her to become the bird's host. While this is a power that could change the world for good, Jean could also destroy the world with this single ability.

One on occasion, in Marvel Comics' X-Men Red #11, she was able to give Cassandra, one of the mutants most feared foes, empathy. Now when Cassandra "feels" a mutant around instead of waiting to destroy the poor mutant, she will feel empathy or kindness towards them.

7 Telepathic Defense

With Jean's telepathic abilities, she can protect herself and her teammates in multiple different ways. She can make a psychic shield around her and her teammates or make illusion with her mind that can trick people into seeing whatever she wants to whoever she chooses. She can also cloak minds, or protect mutants from being seen by cerebro.

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She can also cloak herself with her telepathy and make is it so that no one can see her presence. Lastly, she can use telepathic camouflage to change her appearance in others' minds.

6 Mind Link

With Jean's telepathic powers, she is able to form a mind link with whoever she wants. A mind link is when someone can take multiple people's thoughts and make everyone hear them like a walkie talkie.

Almost everyone with the power of a telepathic performs the ability mind link. Jean is not the only one seen doing it, as Professor Xavier uses this power quite often as well. With a power like this, it can come in handy on the battlefield. It is also great for undercover missions where the team would not be able to talk aloud.

5 Astral Projection

One of Jean's more useful powers is astral projection. Astral projection is when Jean can project her body or form into the astral plane or normal plane. This can help Jean go long distances in an instant if she is needed. If she is at the institute, she can be across the world in a second if she has the strength and concentration.

She can also control the plane around her and control the environment. She is also able to talk to people through these different planes as she pleases. This is a very powerful ability that makes Jean one of the strongest mutants at this time.

4 Matter Transmutation

Jean grey's powers are getting a little scary is this section. Just like in the popular anime and manga Full Metal Alchemist, Jean can transmute matter. She can turn a spoon into a fork, or stone into a sword. She can also go way beyond that and make people disappear by minimizing them to just their molecules.

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With this amount of power, Jean is virtually  unstoppable. What is stopping Jean from turning everyone into just their molecules or even into dust? The only thing stopping her from destroying the world is her own willpower.

3 Telekinesis

A lot of Jean's powers stem from her telekinetic abilities. Without them, she would not be able to do half things she has done. She also would not be an omega-level mutant or one of the most powerful beings in all of Marvel's Universe.

Telekinesis is the power of controlling objects with one's mind. Depending on how strong your mind is, a person with telekinesis power can more something up to two tons or more. If their mind is not strong, they may not be able to move more than a simple piece of paper.

2 Psychic Siphoning

On top of all of Jean Grey's other powers, she also has psychic Siphoning. It is the ability for Jean to be able to take someone else's' psychic energy and drain it from their system and give it to herself. She can then take that energy and make herself more powerful than she already is.

She does not use this power unless she has to. She was able to steal Galactus' own psychic power and turn it into a psychic weapon and use it against him. This kind of power should keep any villain from trying to fight the X-Men.

1 Telepathy

Jean Grey's most powerful ability is, of course, her telepathy. With this power, she is able to read people's minds, put what she is thinking in other people's minds, and can even control people and animals. There is a lot of telepathy in the X-Men universe, but she is an omega-level telepath with a very powerful mind. Her telepathy powers are even stronger than Professor X's... that is some terrifying mind power.

She can scramble someone's mind and change their lives forever with just one single thought. Maybe Jean Grey's most powerful ability is the control of her mind and being on the side of the good guys when she has control of herself.

NEXT: X-Men: All Of Rachel Summers’ Powers, Ranked
