
Thor: 10 Beatdowns He Should've Never Survived | CBR


Thor Odinson is one of the wisest, kindest, and strongest heroes defending Earth from whatever come what may. Thor’s also one of the oldest heroes around and has centuries of experience battling just about anything and everything you can imagine.

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Over the millennia, Thor’s won his fair share of battles – but not many of those victories have come easily. And sometimes, Thor faces foes that get the better of him in the worst possible way. Today, we’re going to look at ten beatdowns that Thor shouldn’t have survived. Even considering his godly nature, some of the Odinson’s following feats simply shouldn’t be possible!

10 Jabs With The Juggernaut

There are two types of heroes in the Marvel Universe – those who can go toe to toe with the Juggernaut and those who can’t. Thor falls into the first camp, though it doesn’t mean it’s an easy matchup for the Norse Thunder God.

This entry hearkens back to a battle wherein Cain Marko beat the sparks out Thor – thrashing the God of Thunder badly enough to draw blood and pocking the area where they clashed with Thor-seized craters! Yet Thor survived this beatdown and managed to get even with Marko soon afterward.

9 Perseveres Through Perrikus' Punishment

Marvel likes to play fast and loose with Norse Mythology, constantly revamping and adding in new characters to Norse Lore. The Dark Gods are a group of characters that lend credence to that claim – they're essentially evil counterparts to the Aesir, only they’re far pettier and more nihilistic towards humans.

Thor accidentally released the Dark Gods from their prison a while back and had to contend with Perrikus soon afterward. Perrikus brutalized the Odinson, matching Thor blow for blow with his ungodly strength

8 Endure's Electro's Assault

Electro doesn’t get enough credit, in our opinion; he’s a villain who doesn’t just control electricity, but whose body is comprised of living lightning (depending on which version of the character we're talking about!) Spider-Man makes dealing with Electro look easy, but this guy’s more dangerous than most people think.

Case in point, Electro once put a shock to Thor’s system when his powers were boosted. To be specific, Electro was hitting Thor with anti-matter blasts. If he were fighting anyone, there probably wouldn’t be anything left but ashes!

7 Squares Off With Dark Phoenix Cyclops

Earlier, we mentioned that fighting the Juggernaut is a great way for heroes to test their mettle. Heavy hitters like the Thing and She-Hulk have bested Marko through sheer willpower and brute strength. However, other characters have relied on their skills and fight IQ to win. Characters like Captain America, Spider-Man, and Cyclops are among some of the most skilled and intelligent fighters in the Marvel Universe.

When Cyclops gained the power of the Phoenix Force during AvsX, he but the brains and the brawn together to give Thor a hell of a beatdown! Cyclops blasted Thor with an improved version of his Optic Blast that would’ve melted anyone else into tar, but not Thor.

6 Hangs With The Hulk

Every so often, people ask “who’s the strongest Avenger?” As much as we love Captain America and Ant-Man, things usually boil down to Thor and Hulk.

Both heroes have earned their fair share of victories over the other man, making it that much harder to answer the initial question. We’ll say this, however – the Hulk usually mauls Thor whenever he does win.

5 Goes The Distance With Gorr

Another character that nearly made Thor give up the ghost was Gorr the God Butcher. True to his name, Gorr killed countless deities in a bid to rid the multiverse of all godly beings. Naturally, Thor rose up to put a stop to Gorr’s plans.

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However, All-Black the Necrosword empowered Gorr – making him strong enough to molly whop a Thor from the past, present, and future! It took the entirety of the Thor: God of Thunder miniseries for the Odinson to best Gorr. And, for the most part, the God Butcher spent the bulk of that storyline dominating Thor.

4 Gets Dumped On By The Destroyer

Every Marvel hero has an equally villainous archnemesis to keep them on their toes. The best heroes, however, tend to have several rivals that want their heads on pikes. Spider-Man has the Sinister Six, and Iron Man’s got the Ten Rings. But Thor’s special; he must wrangle with gods and monsters regularly to defend Asgard.

The Destroyer armor was created to help protect the home of the Aesir, but villains tend to use it for the precise opposite purpose. In a particularly brutal battle, Thor had his flesh nearly seared off by an amped up Destroyer – leaving him wounded and raw, but somehow still alive.

3 Outlasts Odin's Onslaught

In the thousands of years that they’ve known each other, Odin and Thor have essentially never come to blows. Lord knows they’ve argued countless times, but things have never been bad enough to warrant a war between father and son. But in the past, however, Odin wasn’t wearing the Destroyer armor while he was in a particularly bad mood.

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Blood lusted and emboldened with a weapon that can destroy worlds, Odin wasn’t himself. When Thor tried to bring Odin back to his senses, the Thunder God received a divine beatdown by his own father! Nothing but Thor’s Asgardian blood and tenacity helped him survive this curb-stomping.

2 Duels With Death Seed Sentry

Alongside Hyperion, the Gladiator, and Nova, Sentry is one of the first Marvel characters that fans compare to Superman. Robert Reynolds shares many powers with the Man of Steel and is one of the few beings who can fight foes like the Hulk to a standstill. However, Robert lacks Clark Kent’s moral code and mental fortitude, often making him a danger to the civilians he’s supposed to protect.

Death Seed Sentry is the result of Robert absorbing the power of an ancient Celestial artifact. When Death Seed Sentry became homicidal, Thor tried to calm him down. For his troubles, the Sentry hit Thor with a punch hard enough to rock an entire alien planet by its foundation! However, the Sentry didn’t hit with enough force to down the Odinson.

1 Throws The Hands With Thanos

Thanos probably holds the record for doling out fierce beatdowns to heroes and villains alike. Ask Annihilus and the Avengers – they'll give you testimonies of how powerful Thanos is based on their firsthand accounts!

During the 2013 Infinity miniseries, Thor personally traded blows with Thanos – striking the Mad Titan with the full might of Mjolnir repeatedly! But all that did was anger Thanos further, leading him to beat Thor within an inch of his life!

NEXT: Thor: 10 Big Differences Between Asgard in The MCU And The Comics
