
New Gods: Tom King Says Ava DuVernay & Jack Kirby Are 'Parallel Figures'


Renowned comic book writer Tom King compared filmmaker/producer Ava DuVernay to the late Jack Kirby.

In an interview with Publisher Weekly, King was promoting the collected edition of Heroes in Crisis when he alluded to Kirby's life and work being an influence on him. "I feel like it’s incredibly personal work..." he said. "But I think that what makes Jack Kirby special is that you can read yourself into his work.”

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Having already reimagined Kirby's Mister Miracle, King is also in the process of tackling another Kirby work -- Warner Bros.' New Gods film -- which he is co-writing alongside DuVernay.

"I feel like I have this genius, Jack Kirby, who created this [series] and this genius Ava DuVernay," King continued. "I see them as parallel figures, both taking their uniquely American backgrounds and using them to push American art forward into places it’s never been before. I feel like it’s my job to bring those two geniuses together and to make it work."

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King's focus on bringing two incredible minds from different arenas together certainly showcases his love for comics, especially Kirby.

Directed by Ava DuVernay with a script by DuVernay and Tom King, New Gods currently has no release date or cast announced.
