
Hellsing: 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters | CBR


Hellsing is a manga turned anime that chronicles the adventures of the Hellsing Organization, which is tasked with the elimination of demonic creatures that threaten the safety of Britain. Led by the descendant of the famed vampire hunter Dr. Abraham Van Hellsing, Integra Hellsing, the organization holds one trump card that makes them such a major threat to the forces of darkness: their chief operative is Alucard, the king of Vampires, who is forced to do Integra's bidding.

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Alucard is a gleefully psychopathic entity who is in many ways worse than the monsters he hunts, and there are other characters on the show who are just as bad. Here are 10 hidden details about the show's main cast:

10 Alucard Is Naked All The Time

If you watch Alucard fight anyone, you will notice that he really enjoys, or at least, does not seem to mind at all, being blown to smithereens repeatedly. Every time huge gaping holes appear on his body from bullet holes, they get healed within seconds. And so do his clothes. That is because he is not wearing clothes at all.

Alucard turns his own skin, or whatever passes for the skin of the undead vampire, into an illusion of clothing. So he is technically naked in all his appearances on the show.

9 Alucard Doesn't Need Guns

The most famous image of Alucard from the show and the manga is him with a demented smile on his face, wielding a couple of gigantic pistols while covered in blood. But the fact is, those guns that Alucard is always shown wielding are actually pretty pointless.

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Alucard is so ridiculously overpowered that he is more than capable of rending his enemies limb from limb without any kind of weaponry. The only reason why Alucard wields those pistols is that they are fun to use.

8 Seras Is Company For A Lonely Old Man

The series is kickstarted when Alucard saves Seras from certain death at the hands of a ghoul by turning her into a vampire. However, later references to that event reveal that there was a way to save Seras without turning her into one of the undead. Yet Alucard chooses to do so anyway.

That is because, after centuries of walking the Earth alone, Alucard had grown lonely. Turning Seras was his way of creating a companion for himself, although Alucard would scoff at the idea if you ever suggested it to him.

7 Alucard Considers Anderson His Equal

Alucard may act like he is above humans at all times, but the truth is he has a great deal of respect for Humanity, and even considers them God's finest creations. So much so that he sees himself only as a weapon in the hands of Integra.

Also, Alucard believes only a human is worthy of one day defeating him, and he had hoped Alexander Anderson would be that human. That is because, in all his life, Alucard had only ever met two people (namely Dr. Helsing and Anderson) who were powerful enough to challenge him and push him very nearly to the edge.

6 Walter's Role In Alucard's Awakening

Walter is the kindly old butler/unstoppable assassin in Integra's employ. Unfortunately, it is revealed in later episodes that Walter was a traitor who was willing to betray the Hellsing organization in return for having the opportunity to fight Alucard to the death.

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An instance of Walter's turncoat nature is actually hinted at early on. Before dying, Integra's father had instructed Walter to protect her from her murderous uncle. But when the uncle was attacking Integra, Walter was nowhere to be found. This was because he wanted Integra to have to go into the basement and release Alucard from his bonds in order to save herself.

5 Integra's Total Commitment

In the world of Hellsing, Integra is seen as the last line of defense against vampires, because of her commitment to the organization her forefathers created and the fact that she controls Alucard. In one episode, it was revealed that Integra is still a virgin, despite being a fully matured woman.

According to the mythology of the show, if a vampire attacks a virgin, the victim will either die or turn into a vampire themselves. This seems to be Integra's insurance in the event of a vampire attacking her directly, in which case she would die outright, or turn into a vampire and continue her fight.

4 The Main Characters Represent Modernism

If there is one theme that is apparent throughout the series, it is the triumph of modernism over antiquated ideals. The major villains are predominantly male groups and literal Nazis holding onto their racist, bigoted views from the past and using distinctly old-timey weaponry, while Alucard himself is the greatest monster from the past who still exists today.

But by the end of the series, the antiquated villains are defeated by an modern organization of mixed-races led by a woman, while Alucard, who started out as an ancient mythical demon, evolves into a quantum-locked creature straight out of the most ambitious science-fiction stories after he embraces Schrodinger's powers.

3 Alucard Doesn't Fear Water As Much As Seras

Alucard is the oldest vampire in the world, while Seras is a youngling vampire. This difference in seniority is best exemplified by the fact that Seras is still allergic to water, so much so that she needs to cross the sea while trapped in a coffin.

On the other hand, Alucard has built up enough resistance to a vampire's natural antipathy to water that he is able to cross the sea while standing atop a ship instead of having to be ensconced inside his own coffin for the duration of the journey.

2 Seras, Blood, And Sex

We find out that Seras was a virgin because as a young child, she saw her mother get killed and then her dead body violated. This led Seras to (understandably) fear sex her whole life. After becoming a vampire, this fear was transferred to the act of drinking blood, and how it would irrevocably change her into a true monstrous vampire.

Continuing with the theme of Seras fearing a particular act, she finally drinks blood from Pip, a man who loved her and made her feel safe, and it was a completely consensual act on both sides which resulted in Seras unlocking her full vampire powers and Pip becoming her familiar but while retaining his free will.

1 Alucard Is The Most Tragic Figure

Considering his invincible nature and snarky attitude towards everything, it is easy to forget that in a show filled with tragic figures, Alucard himself is the most tragic of all. He was sold into slavery as a child by his own family and was repeatedly molested by his owners. This turned him into a vengeful maniac who became known for his excessive cruelty and was sentenced to a beheading.

His only escape was to become a demon vampire, sentenced to live out his days in the shadows. He did not get to be with the love of his life, Mina Harker. Following his humiliating defeat at the hands of Dr. Helsing, he was held, tortured and experimented on for decades, ultimately becoming nothing more than a submissive attack dog for the daughter of the man who had defeated him. There was very little happiness in Alucard's life until he met Integra and Seras.

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