In Supergirl Season 5, the Girl of Steel will rock a new suit and a new haircut. However, according to costume designer Victoria Auth, that haircut was star Melissa Benoist's personal choice -- and it almost didn't make it into the show at all.
"We were moving the whole concept of 'Supergirl' into a bit more sophistication, and I think she just thought, 'new suit, new 'do,'" Auth told Insider. "It kind of worked to balance each other. They were going to put her in a wig and hold on to the old cut, but then once they saw it, they thought it was a nice freshening."
According to the official episode description for the Season 5 premiere,
Kara (Melissa Benoist) is surprised to find that CatCo has a new owner who has brought in a star reporter. New couples emerge and explore their budding relationships while J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood) receives an unexpected visitor. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Derek Simon & Nicki Holcomb. Original airdate 10/6/2019.
Returning Sunday, Oct. 6 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers, David Harewood as Martian Manhunter, Mehcad Brooks as Jimmy Olsen and Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers.
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