
Cardcaptors: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Syaoran Li | CBR


What do we really know about Syaoran Li? It’s hard to say, since his character was altered so much for the Western version of the show. Some things were altered, but some things remained the same. Overall, he is one of the most engaging characters in the anime and manga universe.

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With a lonely past and a strong ambition that rivals the titular character, Syaoran doesn’t take being a side character lying down. Within one season, he has moved to the forefront. So, what’s so special about him? Here are 10 things you might not have known about this powerful anime lead.

10 He Was An Antagonist

Before becoming one of Sakura’s most loyal friends and allies, Syaoran Li was a bitter antagonist. He believed that he was the rightful inheritor of the Clow Cards because of his connection to the clan of sorcerers that Clow Reed’s mother was also a part of.

That’s a pretty big stretch, but he was very adamant about it, to the point of openly thwarting Sakura’s attempts to become the new mistress of the Cards. Openly critical of Sakura and cold towards everyone he met, Syaoran made an annoying and nasty foe, but also a very entertaining one.

9 He’s A Loner

Syaoran was taught from a young age to be independent and rely on no-one. This made it difficult for him to operate in normal social situations, let alone with a team.

Loners are often perfectionists and task-masters, and Syaroan fell into both categories easily. While causing him to be critical of himself, it also made him hypercritical of his teammates, especially Cerberus. This created many conflicts that, at the very least, were funny to watch. Thankfully, as the series progressed, he became more open to forming relationships with others. He became a beloved friend to Sakura and others.

8 He Had A Crush On Yukito Tsukishiro

This was a hilarious development in the series. Although the Western version changed this part of Syaoran’s narrative, for reasons unknown, it remains a funny and heart-warming addition to the story. Because of some magical shenanigans going on with the moon energies from Yue, another guardian like Cerberus, Syaoran found himself pitted against Sakura for Yukito’s romantic attention.

Yukito, being Yue's roommate, was covered in the essence of the moon and therefore irresistible to Syaoran, who drew his magical powers from the moon. It was ultimately a hoax, but an entertaining one. Eventually, the attraction to “moon energy” wore off.

7 He Falls For Sakura Slowly

Despite his antagonistic relationship with Sakura, Syaoran falls for her after continuously working together. It’s a long, arduous road, though. At first, he only sees her as a rival, then reluctantly he recognizes her as an ally, then eventually accepts her as a friend worth protecting and even coming back to visit.

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Still, he’s slow on the uptake. It isn’t until Season 3, halfway through the story, that he begins to develop and recognize his romantic attachment to Sakura. It took him even longer to confess those feelings, and in true anime hero fashion, he pines while doing his best to keep her safe.

6 His Magical Sensitivity Is Greater Than Sakura’s

Unlike Sakura, Syaoran had the benefit of lifelong tutelage in the magical arts. Because of this, he has amazing magical sensitivity, far more developed than the unpracticed Sakura. This is one of the biggest reasons he believes he is the true Captor of the Cards at the beginning.

He can detect the Cards in any area, no matter how big, despite attempts to mask and cloak them. He can also extend his ability to detect magical activity. His abilities were impressive, and Sakura learned much from him as the series progressed. This ultimately brought them closer together.

5 He Is A Master Swordsman

While being a gifted swordsman with years of training is impressive in its own right, the really cool thing about Syaoran’s sword is that it’s a focus for his magical powers. So ,not only can he challenge anyone to a duel of clashing steel, but he can also use his magic through the sword to earn a decisive victory.

He also uses the sword to help control and use the elements through his magic. In the anime and in the manga, he wields a Chinese Jian sword, which, when sealed, hangs from his person like an unassuming pendant.

4 He Can Control The Elements

As mentioned before, Syaoran is a highly trained user of magical arts. One of those magical arts is the use of jufu talismans — or slips of enchanted paper. These pieces of paper (also used in Sailor Moon by Sailor Mars) come with their own incantations and the ability to summon and control elements of nature: lightning, thunder, fire, water, wind, and ice.

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This power makes Syaoran a powerful enemy and dependable ally. He utilizes his sword and the jufu to focus magical energy and get the most out of the incantations. He is a force to be reckoned with!

3 He Can’t Capture Cards But He Can Claim Them

Syaoran does not have the ability to capture Cards. That privilege and responsibility falls exclusively to the mistress of Cards, Sakura, who uses her sealing wand to capture them. However, Syaoran has frequently played a key role in Sakura’s Card captures, earning him the right of ‘claiming’ Cards.

The act of claiming a Card involves the helper writing their name on the Card next to the official Card Captor, to show the large part they played in its capture. A fair arrangement for all.

2 He Took Possession Of The Cards Once To Protect Sakura

During the Clear Card Arc, Sakura became endangered by her own powers as they grew exponentially, threatening to overpower her, while she created the Clear Cards. In response, Syaoran’s mother enchanted two teddy bears, one for Syaoran and one for Sakura, in order for him to be able to temporarily take possession of the Cards and give Sakura relief.

The Cards, which are in some way sentient and beholden to Sakura, cooperate with Syaoran so that he can use their power. However, it did take a toll on him, physically and mentally exhausting him with the effort to control them.

1 He Actually Isn’t Supposed To Be A Male Lead

Despite the way he’s presented in the Western version of the anime, Syaoran is not an anime hero. He was actually created to be a supporting character and love interest to Sakura in the original storyline. The Western edition took out the romance and amped up his part in most of the story, which, strictly speaking, isn’t exactly true to the original content.

He is portrayed in the English dub as more arrogant and aggressive, as is typical of male anime leads. Unlike his Japanese counterpart, Syaoran remains petty and resentful towards Sakura throughout the entire show.

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