
10 Of The Most Savage What If? Stories Marvel Has Ever Told | CBR


The What If? series has often provided some interesting takes on what might happen if certain events had gone differently, or certain characters had followed a different path. Sometimes they're funny, nonsensical, and occasionally pretty bad, but there are story lines that are completely devastating.

With Disney announcing an animated series of What If? coming to Disney Plus when it launches, we look at 10 of the most savage What If? stories the Marvel Comics Universe has ever told. Whether they result in billions of deaths or horrifying events coming to light, these stories are some of the most harrowing ever told.

Related: 15 Of The Best "What If?" (And 15 Of The Worst) Marvel Comics Of All Time

10 Wolverine Continues To Kill For Hydra And The Hand

Wolverine is a dangerous man, but at least he fights for the greater good. Unfortunately, in What If? Wolverine: Enemy of the State, he's still under the control of Hydra and the Hand, and his killing streak continues to grow throughout the issue. It's gory, brutal, and pretty miserable as many superheroes die as a result.

Captain America, Magneto, and a few other heroes try to take out Wolverine, but it goes from bad to worse. Sue Storm dies first, followed by Magneto, and then he thrusts his claws through the head of Cap. In the most gruesome scene, Kitty Pryde phases her hand through Wolverine's head, and pulls out his brain.

9 The Annihilation Wave Reaches Earth

The Annihilation Wave caused untold destruction when Annihilus left the Negative Zone, but thanks to Galactus, Nova and the United Front, he was defeated. While all this was going on in space, Civil War was happening on Earth, with Iron Man and Captain America unaware of what was going on in the skies above.

What If? decided to see what would happen if Annihilus reached Earth, and what unfolded was utterly savage. The heroes of Earth put aside their differences to fight the insectoids, with many dying against the first wave. Seeing that Annihilus was bringing an even bigger army with him, Uatu broke his oath and chose to help, opening up a black hole that not only destroyed Annihilus, but the moon as well.

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8 Everyone Dies In World War Hulk

In the original World War Hulk, Tony Stark could have wiped out New York City with his satellite killing many superheroes in the process. The What If? series explored what would've happened if the heroes lost during the battle, and the results are cataclysmic. The Skrulls arrive on Earth and take full control of the planet.

The Hulk seeks redemption and aids Vision, Pym, and the Wasp to fight back, but it is revealed that Wasp is a Skrull and she kills everyone with a bio-weapon. Hulk is the sole survivor, and in his guilt-ridden state asks Silver Surfer for Galactus to devour Earth. It's a bleak end to a violent and miserable tale, making it one of the most savage What If? stories of all.

7 Caiera Avenges The Death Of Her Husband

In Planet Hulk, a banished Hulk landed on the planet Sakaar and becomes an emperor. He also fell in love and married Caiera, but she died when a spaceship exploded. In What If? Planet Hulk, one of the stories looks at what might have happened if it was the Hulk that had died in the explosion instead of Caiera.

Engulfed with rage, Caiera is able to destroy the Inhumans and make Black Bolt her slave. On top of this, she uses Black Bolt to kill Doctor Strange and Sentry, then heads to Earth and unleashes chaos, killing Reed Richards and decapitating Iron Man. She takes over Earth and enslaves many of the superheroes, building a monument to her husband.

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6 The Invisible Girl Dies In Childbirth

What If Invisible Girl Had Died? is one of the saddest stories ever written, and the heart-breaking turn of events makes it one of the most emotionally devastating due to the fact there is no happy ending. Sue Richards dies during childbirth, leaving the remaining members of the Fantastic Four utterly heartbroken.

Superheroes around the world are in mourning, and even Doctor Doom decides to put his vendetta to the side. Reed Richards is a broken man, and he believes that Annihilus was responsible for her death. He heads to the Negative Zone to exact revenge, but the story ends with Richards and Annihilus falling to their deaths.

5 Norman Osborn Wins The Siege Of Asgard

The premise is based on Ares attempting to kill Norman Osborn before the Siege of Asgard takes place. Whilst trying to kill him he's interrupted by Sentry, and dies as a result. Without a weakened Robert Reynolds, the Siege is won and he's able to go on one almighty killing streak.

The amount of deaths in What If...Norman Osborn Won The Siege of Asgard? is staggering. Pretty much everyone dies whilst trying to fight Sentry that it's easy to lose count, as heroes like the X-Men, New Avengers, X-Force, and the Fantastic Four all lose their lives. Even the Dark Avengers, Taskmaster, Moon Knight, Namor, Doctor Doom, and Norman Osborn are obliterated.

Related: 20 Marvel What If? Stories Better Than What Actually Happened

4 Magneto Takes Over America

In a two-part What If? storyline, the X-Men are divided after Cable kills three of the most important X-Men: Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Charles Xavier. It leads to a great divide within the X-Men's ranks, as Wolverine wants revenge on Cable and Storm believes by doing so it would damage the legacy Professor X had built.

Villains like Apocalypse, Fenris, the MLF, and Mister Sinister seize their opportunity to strike, leading to the deaths of Beast, Nightcrawler, and Polaris. The Sentinels started to kill more mutants as Magneto takes over the White House, and more heroes died as a result, such as the Avengers and the Fantastic Four.

3 Doctor Doom Rules The Galaxy

Victor Von Doom is one of the most complicated villains in the Marvel Comics Universe. His motivations often walk a line between good and evil, and his craving for a perfect world in his own vision leads to many battles with the Fantastic Four and other superheroes.

In What If?...Doctor Doom Had Kept the Beyonder's Power?, we see Doom conquer Earth, and many other civilizations throughout the Universe. If anyone opposed him, they would die by his hand, and many did. He traveled across time and space - to the underworld and beyond - becoming the most powerful being in existence.

Related: 10 What If? Stories We Might See In The MCU

2 The Skrulls Succeeded In Their Secret Invasion

In What If...The Skrulls Succeeded In Their Secret Invasion?, They managed to invade Earth successfully, and by doing so gave humans the ability to become Skrull converts. In Wakanda, the remaining superheroes came up with a virus that could kill the Skrulls, but it needed altering so it wouldn't kill the human Skrull hybrids.

Spider-Man contacted Norman Osborn - now a Skrull convert and consort to the queen - for help to make the virus work, but instead he vaccinated himself with it. Osborn then disguised himself as Iron Man and tricked Thor into helping him release it on the world, leading to the deaths of billions of innocent people.

1 Phoenix Destroys The Universe

One of the biggest storylines ever in X-Men's history is the Dark Phoenix Saga, where Jean Grey becomes overtaken by the power of the Phoenix Force. In What If Phoenix Had Not Died?, Jean Grey never died after the incursion with the Shi'ar. She goes on to battle Galactus and Terrax, unleashing the Phoenix Force once again.

From then on it all goes from bad to worse. She destroys a star, murders Shadowcat after she confronts her about her recent actions, then kills Polaris and Cyclops. Eventually, the Phoenix Force fully takes hold of her and she causes Earth to explode, then goes on to consume the galaxy and the Universe.

Next: 10 Heroes Who Should Make Up The Team In Avengers 5
