
10 DC Characters We Want To See In The Dark Multiverse | CBR


Ever since DC Comics introduced readers to the concept of the Dark Multiverse, fans have clamored for more; more stories that play off of our heroes' greatest fears and more twisted versions of famous DC characters. And now that DC's Year of the Villain event is in full swing, we couldn't think of a better time to make that happen!

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We've got at least ten characters that we hope meet their Dark Universe counterparts. Some of these characters, you'll likely know very well. But we guarantee that you'll see at least one unfamiliar name or two as you read ahead. No worries, think of this article as an opportunity to expand your DCU IQ!

10 Matter-Eater Lad

Matter-Eater Lad hails from the dark, twisted land of 1960s America. As a character from the Silver Age of Comics, Tenzil Kem is much more whimsical and lighthearted than many of the heroes we get today. That's why we'd love to see a Dark Multiverse version of this character flip everything we know about MLE!

MLE's Dark Multiverse counterpart could be a cannibal that devours other heroes and villains whole. DC could also take the Lovecraftian route and have Matter-Eater Lad swallow his entire home universe! If you doubt that DC would dig up a hokey character like MLE, we'd like to remind you that Red Ant Superman is alive and raising Hell as of this writing.

9 Green Arrow

Most of the time, people act like Green Arrow is a liability to the League. How cool would it be to see a Dark Multiverse version of Oliver that's singlehandedly bested the Justice League - completely blowing the previously mentioned theory out of the water? Green Arrow's certainly got the money to bankroll a campaign against the Justice League - he is one of the richest men in the DCU after all.

We can see it now - a Dark Multiverse version of Green Arrow that keeps the capes of his fallen former friends mounted on his wall. Dark Arrow (we ought to trademark that) could even use various pieces of equipment that he's taken from his prey. Dark Arrow equipped with a Green Lantern Ring, WW's Lasso, Cyborg's cybernetics, and Batman's utility belt could be potentially unstoppable!

8 Ambush Bug

Ambush Bug is essentially the DC Comics version of Deadpool; both characters love breaking the Fourth Wall and hate adhering to reason or coherency. But whereas Deadpool is a dangerous mercenary with an insane healing factor, Ambush Bug is a crazy guy with luck as his only ally. Most of the time, A. Bug gets treated as a pest and a nuisance. We imagine his Dark Multiverse counterpart finally snapping under pressure!

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The Dark Multiverse version of Ambush Bug could use his "Comic Awareness" to write his foes out of existence - like, A. Bug could legitimately hop out of whatever comic he's in and make DC's writers bend to his will.

7 The Question

The Question is another over-the-top DC hero whose newer stories are usually comedic and satirical. But back when Steve Ditko first created this character, The Question was arguably more hardcore and extreme than Batman! The Silver Age Question would knock criminals into raging bodies of water and refuse to save them, no matter how badly they begged.

A Dark Multiverse version of The Question could hearken back to this character's gritty past. Perhaps we could call this version of the character 'The Dark Question,' or even 'The Answer.' He could also still be funny - provided that DC's writers rely more on black comedy and gallows humor when cooking up jokes.

6 Krypto

Admit it, there's at least some part of you that wants to see a Dark Multiverse version of Superman's dog. Some people find the notion of Krypto the Superdog cheesy and gimmicky; in their minds, they question how a dog, even one of alien origin, could be smart enough to fight crime on his own.

A Dark Multiverse version of Krypto could play around with that idea - he could inadvertently do more harm than good, causing certain members of the Justice League to try and put him down. Initially scared, Dark Krypto could snap when his detractors end up hurting or even killing Superman and the rest of the Kent & El families.

5 Anti-Monitor

The version of the Anti-Monitor that the League's dealt with is already pretty darn evil - after all, this guy is the reason Barry Allen was dead for more than twenty real-world years! But a Dark Multiverse version of the Anti-Monitor could be an inversion of the character we've known all these decades - he could be a benevolent entity that uses his powers for good.

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Or the Anti-Monitor's Dark Multiverse counterpart could be even worse than the Prime Earth version. Just imagine it; an even more twisted version of the Anti-Monitor sparking a Crisis on Infinite Dark Earths event!

4 Darkseid

Can Darkseid get any eviler? We suppose we'd need to meet his Dark Multiverse counterpart to find out. Then again, most Dark versions of DC characters embody their Prime Earth counterparts' worst fears. What if Dark Darkseid (a redundant name, but it gets the point across) was weak, cowardly, and subservient to others - the antithesis of everything that Prime Earth Uxas is and aspires to be.

Conversely, a Dark Multiverse version of Darkseid could be creator god of sorts. It's like this; Prime Earth Darkseid uses the Omega Effect to wreak destruction across the universe. Dark Darkseid could use an 'Alpha Effect' to create whole worlds and galaxies as he sees fit. Much like the World Forger, Dark Darkseid doesn't have to be heroic just because he has theoretically benevolent powers.

3 Mister Mxyzptlk

Mister Mxyzptlk gives characters like Superman a lot of guff, but we wouldn't call him evil per se. A Dark Multiverse version of the 5th Dimensional imp, however, could be a genuine terror! He could use his reality-warping powers to trap others in personalized Hellscapes - imprisoning his Universe's Superman in a world made of Kryptonite, or trapping Batman in a world made of bullets.

The Dark version of Mister Mxyz could completely invert the character we thought we knew. He could serve as the overlord of the Dark Multiverse - being directly responsible for all of the nightmarish beings that inhabit that plane of existence. Moreover, Dark Mxyzptlk and Prime Mxyzptlk could even turn out to be one and the same!

2 The Spectre

The idea of a Dark Multiverse version of The Specter sends shivers down our spines; what we'd have on our hands is an evil personification of God's Vengeance or an entity that lacks his Prime Earth counterpart's patience at best. At worst, The Dark Spectre could deem all of humanity unworthy of God's love - placing everyone in his warpath.

We're honestly not even sure how the Justice League could deal with a Dark Multiverse version of The Spectre. Well, they could search for a Dark (er) version of Parallax and reenact their battle on Blackest Night. But it seems like our heroes would still be up the creek, regardless of who wins that battle.

1 Lex Luthor

The Year of the Villain wouldn't be possible without Lex Luthor driving the event forward. At the moment, we're not entirely sure what Luthor's goals are - save for the eradication of Earth's heroes. We do wonder is he has any designs on the Dark Multiverse, especially after the events of Dark Knights Metal.

Contrary to just about every other character in this article, we'd like to see Lex Luthor supplant his Dark Multiverse counterpart. We can imagine Lex Prime killing Dark Lex and then taking his place - granting him the same overpowered abilities that all Dark characters possess.

NEXT: Dark Nights: Metal - 10 Things Fans Should Know About DC’s Dark Multiverse
