- Mangaka : Shirai, Kaiu
- Publisher : Shonen Jump
- Genre : Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi, Shounen
- Published : July, 7, 2019
Discussion Time
The past has been revealed!!! Well, kind of! Chapter 141 of Yakusoku no Neverland started off with Emma asking to make a new promise and was quickly told it was indeed possible! Emma’s joy was short lived though when the demon being added that a sacrifice had to be made as a reward for making a new promise. Our story then jumps 1000 years in the past to show a group of heroes going into the demon world wishing to end the war between humans and demons. The leader—who looks like a male version of Emma, which is intriguing—leads his party through numerous battles but death seems to follow his crew and one of his warriors decides to take it upon himself to propose a deal, which we think is the one currently in effect. This is easily one of our absolute favorite chapters of Yakusoku no Neverland as it had everything we wanted and ends on such a strong cliffhanger but one we know the end result of. While we sadly and excitedly wait for chapter 142, let’s discuss why you NEED to read chapter 141 of Yakusoku no Neverland!

1. New Promise, New Sacrifice
From the past flashback, we learn that our party of heroes grew so tired and worn down that one of the warriors was willing to give up human slaves, criminals and unwanteds for humanity’s’ salvation. Now Emma stands before the big demon himself and we have to wonder…what new sacrifice will she make that appeases this being? Can Emma make a promise that will cause the demon to forgo a sacrifice or will it cost humanity something even more precious?
2. Past Moments
Yakusoku no Neverland has always kept its past as more hearsay then actually showing it. That’s why we loved seeing a glimpse of the past in chapter 141. Seeing heroes fight for humanity and face off demons in their own world is commendable but clearly exhausting. We hope chapter 142 will have some more of these past exploits, but at least we got some needed information that might have some hidden relationships. Anyone thinking that hero is related to Emma?
Final Thoughts
Yakusoku no Neverland chapter 141 actually made chapter 140 look small in comparison! We loved seeing the past revelations of how the promise came to be and we can’t wait for even more past flashbacks to see if we’re missing some key clues for a full story! Did you love chapter 141 as much as we did? Comment below to let us know and for more Yakusoku no Neverland chapter reviews, keep stuck to our hive here at Honey’s Anime! Still calling it now, that hero is related to Emma!
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