
[en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]
- A Hero draws near! Starting later today, Hero from the DRAGON QUEST series enters the battle as a new playable fighter in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game for the Nintendo Switch system. In a new video, Nintendo not only showcased the Hero in action, but also unveiled the Yggdrasil’s Altar stage and several orchestrated music tracks from classic DRAGON QUEST games coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. All of this new content will be available to players who own the Fighters Pass or purchase Challenger Pack 2 separately*
- Hero enters the arena equipped with a sword and shield, and wielding familiar DRAGON QUEST spells like “Frizz,” “Zap” and “Woosh.” The character comes with additional alternate character designs that represent the main characters from several games in the DRAGON QUEST series. He can take the form of the protagonists from DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition, the latest DRAGON QUEST title coming to Nintendo Switch on Sept. 27; DRAGON QUEST III: The Seeds of Salvation; DRAGON QUEST IV: Chapters of the Chosen; and DRAGON QUEST VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. This is the first time ever that all four heroes from these DRAGON QUEST games are fighting together.
- Players who own the Fighters Pass or purchase Challenger Pack 2 separately will also have access to a new stage, Yggdrasil’s Altar, which features the great mythical tree from many DRAGON QUEST games. The stage is full of moving platforms, which fly through different locales that DRAGON QUEST fans might recognize, and even features some familiar (slimy) faces in the background. Orchestrated music tracks from classic DRAGON QUEST titles will also be coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate alongside Hero and the Yggdrasil’s Altar stage.
- Along with the release of Hero later today, a free software update to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will also be available, which adds an in-game online tourney mode**, a “Very Easy” setting in the single-player Adventure mode and the ability to predict the winner in Spectate mode, among other features.
[en]Source: [/en][es]Fuente: [/es]Official Press Release
[balloon_speech align="left" text="The real Hero has arrived!" image="bee-love"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="I'm soooo happy about this! As a DQ fan!" image="honey-love"]
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