
10 Ways The FOX Characters Could Be Introduced Into The MCU | CBR


Kevin Feige said something of huge significance during the final moments of the San Diego Comic-Con panel for Marvel Studios. The last hour had been a showcase of what had already come before in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and what was to come in Phase 4. However, the news certainly didn't stop there!

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Ever since the FOX deal was announced, fans have been waiting to see how mutants and Marvel's first family would be introduced into the MCU. Well, Feige confirmed in those last couple of minutes that these iconic characters were inbound and we're sure to hear more about that as soon as Phase 5 unravels. For now, though, it's fun to speculate about how all of this could unfold and so we are taking a look at 10 ways the FOX characters could be introduced into the MCU.


Marvel Studios has made it very clear that the success of Deadpool will be something they don't want to overlook. To remove the franchise from the big screen would not only be insulting to the fans who love the fourth wall breaking anti-hero but would also be counterproductive for their own larger plan. Deadpool would be the easiest character to add into the universe and here's why!

The Merc with a Mouth is constantly addressing the audience throughout his films. He's made reference to MCU movies in the past and the films themselves are barely connected to the wider mutant universe. It would be pretty easy therefore to have Deadpool himself introduce the FOX properties into the MCU through a simple and honest, meta explanation that breaks the fourth wall once again. It would be quick and hilarious!


The Scarlet Witch has had a difficult time over the past few movies, with both her brother and her lover being killed in combat. The WandaVision series seems like it will explore her magical abilities as well as her mental state moving forward. It's already been implied she might be a mutant but there could be more in store for Wanda in regards to the X-Men properties. 

Whatever mind-bending magic and madness happens in WandaVision, it could create the mutants in the MCU or somehow merge the MCU and FOX universes into one another. Scarlet Witch could be the connecting point between the two franchises, as the character is in fact a part of both worlds in some form. Therefore, it makes sense that she could be the key to the mutant question.



There was another huge event which may have brought the mutants into existence. This is the most heavily rumored way in which Marvel Studios could add the super-powered humans into the pre-existing universe. Throughout the Infinity Saga, there have been a few really powerful snaps on Earth.

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Thanos, Hulk, and Iron Man have all snapped their fingers with the gauntlet, creating huge amounts of cosmic energy on Earth. All of this is concentrated on a single planet and this may have huge consequences for its inhabitants. The snaps may have actually caused the X-gene to activate in humankind, bringing out mutants for the first time. Or perhaps it is those who got dusted who are finding themselves with powers.


We've seen the Quantum Realm, which could also provide an answer, but the Fantastic Four are heavily linked to the Negative Zone. The team could reflect the original Wasp in some ways, with the four adventurers taking a trip into the Negative Zone in order to scientifically explore it through data and analysis.

However, they could have been trapped there for ages, perhaps never aging. The Snap or any other event may then open up the Negative Zone once again and free the trapped heroic family. This would explain why they have not been present in the universe so far and would be a comic book way to add them into the world for the first time. It would also serve as an easy way to give them powers, with their time in the Negative Zone granting them their superhero gifts.


There's so much evidence pointing to the continued exploration of the multiverse. Whether it's the title of the Doctor Strange sequel, the discussion of it in Spider-Man: Far From Home, or even the assumed exploration of it in WandaVision, there's a lot of franchises that are suddenly linked to the possibility of alternate universes.

The multiverse theory could be a way to include the mutants into the MCU for the first time. Whether it's adding Deadpool into the mix through this way, or perhaps even linking a TV show like Legion, which has it's own share of multiverse trouble, having mutants come from another parallel world would be a great exploration for their sudden appearance!


Everyone is waiting for the arrival of one of the best villains in Marvel Comics history. He's been unavailable to Marvel Studios so far due to FOX owning him, but now there is finally an opportunity to introduce Doctor Doom into the MCU. There was talk of him having an origin movie of his own before the move to Disney, but that seems to be scrapped now.

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However, there's a unique way to add him into the universe. In the comics, he is the ruler of a country known as Latveria. The inclusion of the country and it's rise to global power would be an interesting way to explore his history, culture, and villainy. An attempted invasion from Doom and his robotic henchmen of the surrounding areas could be an excuse for Earth's heroes to get involved.


Avengers: Endgame explored time travel in the MCU for the first time. This not only created new timelines which added to the multiverse but could have even had an impact on a modern day that we are not aware of yet. The time travel aspect of the film allows for a lot of options to add the mutants and Fantastic Four into the mix.

The mutants could be added because of the consequences of the time travel in Endgame. The Fantastic Four could also be brought in as scientists exploring all the possibilities that time travel has to offer the world. All of this can lead to the FF villain that many people have been waiting for, Kang the Conqueror. He will travel back in time to punish those that have affected the timeline and with the familial link to Reed Richards, the feud could get personal quickly.


The possibility that mutants have existed the whole time hasn't been discussed much. But what if, those carrying the X-gene have been in hiding all this time because of the fear of backlash from the public. There have been multiple times where these super-powered humans could have surfaced but they've stayed in the shadows.

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The Sokovia Accords couldn't have helped matters as any mutant would have had to register with the government to show that they are not a public danger. This would have increased fear amongst the population but at some point, the mutants will have to surface for the first time. When this happens it could even be revealed that the school for gifted youngsters has actually been in existence for some time!


The Fantastic Four are many things. They are super-powered, they are scientists, and they are a family. But, they are also adventurers and there's a way that this element of the team could be put at the forefront of their first MCU appearance. What better way to show what the FF are really about than to have them visit Wakanda.

As some of the first explorers to enter the region, they could be introduced to the culture and technology of the country, before becoming involved in whatever threat the Wakandan people face. It would set up an alliance between the team and King T'Challa and would be an interesting environment for audiences to see the family in; it would be a completely different type of film from the movies we've seen from FOX.


There's another cosmic threat heading to the MCU and he might be on a higher level than Thanos. Heralded by the Silver Surfer, it might be time to bring Galactus to Earth. He's been poorly portrayed on film in the past, but the arrival of this galactic villain might bring the FF and mutants out to face him; especially if he's pitched as worse than the mad titan.

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Adding these cosmic characters with little explanation as to where they've been all this time is pretty believable. Space is so vast that they could have been anywhere throughout most of Earth's history. Since the planet is now home to so much cosmic energy because of the snaps though, the planet eater might find Earth a lot tastier now that it is drenched in powerful infinity energy.
