Every incarnation of Thor has been slightly different. After all, even while the mantle title has stayed the same, the characters carrying said mantle have been vastly different. And Jane Foster is no exception to that rule. The way Jane thought and acted while being Thor is very different from the Odinson version of Thor. And that's not a bad thing.
Jane and Odinson think very differently – and thus they went about problems in completely different manners. So, it's really no surprise that their methods changed as well. Here are ten things that Jane Foster's Thor was capable of – things that even Odinson himself couldn't have done.
10 Control Of Mjolnir's Movements

One of the things that makes Jane Foster's run as Thor so unique is her way with the hammer. Perhaps she just has an intuitive connection with Mjolnir. Whatever the cause, Jane can make Mjolnir twist and turn and fly in ways that Odinson never could.
Odinson himself said so: “In all our years together...in all our many battles...Mjolnir never flew like that for me.” (Thor: The Goddess of Thunder, Vol. 1). It must have been tough for Odinson to admit that, and thus we should take his admission as the solid fact and truth that it is.
9 The Ability to Remain Rational Even When Enraged

No offense to Odinson, but sometimes he has a bit of a temperament issue. Nothing like the chip on the Hulk's shoulder, of course, but it doesn't take much provoking to get Thor to rush blindly into danger. Heck, that's half the reason why he so consistently falls for Loki's traps.
The same cannot be said for Jane Foster's Thor. She gets angry, of course she does. After the things she's seen, how could she not? But not once did she allow the anger to force her to lose sight of her goals: protecting people and carrying the mantle she holds so dear.
8 She Inspires

There is something about Jane Foster's Thor – the Mighty Thor – that all the female heroes found inspiring. This is the reason they all worked so well with her. They did not know who she was, but they understood the reasons for her secrecy and they trusted her all the same.
Jane even gave heart to some of the villains she faced. Her second time against a villain, the woman was so surprised to see a female Thor carrying the mantle (without adding 'she' or anything to the name itself) that she immediately turned herself in. She wanted to honor the moment, and not tarnish it by battling the new Thor.
7 Seeing Through Loki's Tricks

Jane Foster is one of the only incarnations of Thor who never seemed to fall for Loki's illusions. She may have underestimated him a time or two, but she never outright fell for anything he said or did. All things considered, that's a significant improvement on the matter.
When battling Loki for the first time, Jane not only saw through his illusions, but realized the true intent behind Loki's actions. She realized he was wasting time with the battle so that something worse could occur. Naturally, she prevented the plans he was working towards, something that surprised and impressed the nefarious and mischievous Loki.
6 Heimdall Couldn't See Her

Heimdall can see all. Except when he can't. There are few things that can stop his gaze, and it would appear that Jane became one of those exceptions. While she was wielding Mjolnir, Heimdall was unable to peer through her mask to her true identity. In fact, he couldn't pick up any information about her, even in the time before she picked up Mjolnir each day, or the time after she put it down.
This says a lot about her relationship with Mjolnir. It's clear that it was Mjolnir that was protecting Jane from Heimdall's gaze. Just as it had protected her identity by forming a mask for her without being asked. The hammer wanted to help and protect Jane, something we've never seen before. To be fair, Heimdall knew since day one who and what Jane was. He's been protecting her secret this whole time. So there's a chance that it was he who was protecting her here, and not Mjolnir.
5 Protecting Her Identity

Speaking of Mjolnir and the unusual way it behaved for Jane, the hammer did more than provide a mask or a cloak. When Jane was in a situation where it seemed like her identity was out, and there was nothing she could do to save it, Mjolnir stepped in and saved the day. The hammer knew what was wrong and transformed itself into Jane. Yes, you read that right. The hammer was able to look and sound like Jane, and even get information about medicine from Jane's mind.
This level of communication was something previously unknown about the hammer. And obviously, none of us had any idea about the transformative properties of Mjolnir. It's clear that Mjolnir thought Jane was something very special and worth protecting.
4 A Conversation with the Phoenix Force

After facing off against the Shi'ar gods, Jane Foster found herself facing the Phoenix Force. No, we don't mean the force while it was inside a person: this was the true unleashed version of the force, and it was looking for a fight.
Jane managed to survive being in the fire storm long enough to have a conversation. Granted, this conversation led to a battle, but we all expected that to happen. Here, Jane summoned a storm that would have made the Odinson proud to fight off the Phoenix Force and her fire.
3 Wielding Two Hammers

Jane Foster has carried two hammers during her relatively short life. She most famously wielded Mjolnir, of course. But Jane is also capable of lifting another hammer; the War Hammer. The first time she did so, it was when Volstagg had lost his mind to grief. Here, she did it more to prove a point than anything else. It's worth noting that she was still holding Mjolnir at this point – meaning that she was quite literally wielding them both for a few moments there.
The second time? She put the pieces of the broken hammer back together, and carried it into battle. You see, Jane was not willing to sit out during the War of the Realms. She was going to ride into battle as Thor and fight Malekith.
2 Using Mjolnir as a Second Pair of Eyes

Something we've never seen Odinson do was use the hammer as a scout of sorts. But it is something Jane did. There's something about Jane's connection with Mjolnir that truly reminded us that the hammer is sentient, and she certainly demonstrated this here.
When battling around civilians, Jane sent Mjolnir off to confirm that there were no people in specific buildings that were higher risk. This is a clever way to fight and clear that area at once, and is extremely efficient, even though it comes at a higher risk to Jane (since she needs the connection to the hammer to fight).
1 Used the Power Granted to Heal

During a crossover with Doctor Strange, Jane Foster's Thor ended up being vital to saving the day. Doctor Strange was facing an enemy of his own making - Mister Misery. Mister Misery is literally the embodiment of all of the pain and suffering from Doctor Strange. The cost of all of the magic he's cast over the years.
Mister Misery put a piece of himself in dozens of patients – killing them faster than Strange could have ever hoped to deal with. However, Thor could. Jane Foster had the medical know-how to remove these cancer-like cells, and Thor had the speed. Thus, Jane removed Mister Misery from the bodies of dozens of patients, all at once. These patients would not have survived without her direct help.
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