
The Ostinato Musicians Steal the Spotlight in The Caligula Effect: Overdose!

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The Caligula Effect: Overdose - The Ostinato Musicians (PS4, Switch, PC)

[en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

  • There's more than one side to the story in The Caligula Effect: Overdose, available March 12 on PlayStation®4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Unavailable in the original release, you can choose to betray the Go-Home Club and side with the Ostinato Musicians—featured in the newest trailer—to preserve the false utopia of Mobius and terminate anyone who tries to escape.
  • Determine where the protagonist's loyalty and true motives lie in this new "villain's" route! The line between reality and fantasy isn't always black and white. Traverse the gray under a new identity and uncover the traumas that the Musicians harbor. Will their ambitions be enough for the protagonist to stand by their side?

[en]Source: [/en][es]Fuente: [/es]Official Press Release

[balloon_speech align="left" text="The more I see this game in action the more enticed I am to really jump into the story." image="bombon-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Not to mention the wide array of characters in the game, the story must be full of twists and turns!" image="honey-happy4"]

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