
Metro Exodus - PC Review

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An awesome Trans-Siberian story, plus some outdated mechanics
  • System: PC (Epic Store), PlayStation 4, Xbox One
  • Publisher: Deep Silver
  • Developer: 4A Games
  • Release Date: Feb 15, 2019
Metro Exodus - Launch Trailer (Official)

Who it Caters to

For the most part, the Metro franchise is one that still remains in the shadows when compared to other similar shooter games. Oftenly compared to the Fallout saga, this is a post-apocalyptic Russian adventure where anguish, hope, and death all play a big part, with Artyom Chyornyj as the main protagonist. Based on Russian novelist Dmitri Glujovski's work, the story follows the few Russian survivors of a nuclear war, confined to the Moscow Metro as the surface is now not only toxic but populated by vicious mutant creatures. The third video game in the series, Metro Exodus is not only the more visually pleasing but also the one that brings the story outside of the subway, giving the player a little more freedom and some new scenarios to explore. Still, be aware that the gritty environments and story are not something to take lightly, and you'll need time to fully process this plot-heavy title. And by the way, you definitely need to experience both previous games to actually get the best out of Metro Exodus and understand what's going on!

What to Expect

Metro games are known for two things: the dark, depressing story behind the people living underground, and the "basic" gameplay they present, with some complex survival mechanics but very straightforward shooting. In this case, Metro Exodus also gives you some open areas to explore as you please and enough side-missions to keep you entertained and lengthen your stay in the wild, hazardous landscapes of Russia. Though you can even jump to the game in Reader Mode, experiencing the plot without caring too much about the enemies, Metro Exodus is one of those games that are better played in the higher difficulties, when you really feel how treacherous and ruthless it can be. Managing your scarce bullets and gas mask filters is one of the things you need to understand in order to survive, and trigger-happy players may have a hard time otherwise. All in all, Metro Exodus is an outstanding narrative experience that comes in video game format... and maybe that's the only problem since some mechanics will feel dull or outdated when compared to other modern games.
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Speaking of modern games, one of Metro Exodus highs has to be its visuals, giving us not only beautiful scenery but also great NPC models. The enemy designs are nothing otherworldly and still feel pretty generic, but at least we can now enjoy them in all of their graphical glory. Since this is the first time we get to the surface, and the first time we have non-linear stages to traverse, having these awesome graphics is a nice addition for when you feel like taking a step back from the gunfight and just enjoying the view. We'll talk about the gameplay mechanics later, but if we mention the visuals in the game, we can't ignore the dynamic day/night cycle or the weather system, both of them adding impressive details that you can see in your gas mask, your weapons, and the enemies. The previous games' graphics and animations were rather rough, but this time we finally can see some improvements in the visual department... if you have a beefy PC, that is!

Sound, Music

We'll tell you the truth: for us, playing the Metro games in Russian, with English subtitles, is an absolute must. This is not only because the Russian voice acting is extraordinary (and if you don't know the language you won't be able to tell if they are cheesy or not!), but also because playing in Russian feels way more immersive than opting for the English voiceover. In addition to that, the English voice acting feels indeed cheesy and very much ruins some characters, something not to overlook in a game that finally gives us a stable cast to get emotionally invested in. In regards to the ambiance sound, Metro Exodus does a wonderful job at setting the mood through the music and sound effects, though then again, some mutants' groans and stuff feels extremely generic. One thing we loved about Metro Exodus is how many secret voice lines you can actually find, like when you stay around some characters for enough time. They will address you and maybe spark a conversation! That last line, however, brings us to what we hated the most about the sound in Metro Exodus, and that's the lack of voice interactions for Artyom himself. Sure, a lot of plot-heavy games are considered masterpieces of their time and genre even when starring silent characters (from The Legend of Zelda to Half-Life), but in a game where the plot and dialogues are so important, Artyom feels like a dumb, generic, easily manipulable killing-machine, and your only chance to bond with him is through narrations like when reading his diary. Because of this, many lines in the game are just monologues about why and how should Artyom perform a certain task, and you can do nothing but stare at people talking to you... and reacting for you. That old excuse of talking protagonists taking away the role-playing of a game feels more stupid every time someone mentions it, and there are a lot of awesome games backing this up.


After decades hiding underground in the Moscow Metro, Artyom and his wife Anna stumble upon a train transporting people and/or goods from one point to another, meaning that other surviving communities are indeed a fact. The problem is that, while investigating, they are held captive by these people pretending to be an altruist group, and Artyom is left for dead. After rescuing Anna, Artyom is finally about to be killed for good... until they notice that the leader of the ones after them is none other than Miller, Anna's father. Somebody has a lot of things to explain!
With the help of Miller, some of the Spartans, and Yermak (the old man that helped them escape in the first place), now Anna and Artyom start their journey aboard the Aurora in search of more survivors, and a place where they could live in peace. Along the adventure, several new faces can join you while you can also lose your people if you're not careful enough. At this point, it's more than obvious that new places mean new dangers too, but Metro Exodus excels in telling a story that doesn't rely on the monsters lurking the Russian wilderness but the humans around you, all of them with their own backstory, hopes, and fears. Regarding the story, one of the flaws of Metro Exodus is that it uses certain narrative techniques that feel kind of outdated and ultimately also affect the gameplay, like the need for intermittent cutscenes to give you input about what to do and why you're doing it. Better storytelling and enough depth and freedom for Artyom would also benefit Anna and the rest of the cast, allowing them to feel more real and do away with all those redundant dialogues needed to explain Artyom's feelings. All in all, Metro Exodus serves as an excellent closure to the trilogy, whether it's the last game of the saga or a new beginning for the survivors.


We already touched some gameplay mechanics here and there, but let's recapitulate. Metro Exodus is a first-person shooter with a lot of survival mechanics to make things a little more interesting, and that's why newcomers might have some trouble getting used to all of Artyom's tools. While the previous games were more linear and straightforward, Metro Exodus now features semi-open areas for you to explore, meaning that stealth is more important than ever. Learning when to shoot and when to sneak is vital for your survival, and patience is greatly rewarded. If you played the previous games, you may remember that bullets were also Moscow Metro's new currency, so saving your bullets was also investing in medkits and other items. This time around you'll find yourself collecting resources in the form of chemicals and gears, and with them, you can craft bullets, medkits, air filters, upgrades for your weapons and suit, and even throwables like explosives or knives. In order to craft something, all you need to do is using your backpack (you get it after escaping in the Aurora) or find a workbench in a safe house, the only place where you can craft bullets, grenades, and molotov cocktails. Other things you can do at a workbench range from cleaning your gas mask and weapons to customize your equipment, so finding workbenches will definitely help you stay alive. Those who never played a survival game might have a hard time with all of Artyom's tools, and if you don't pay attention to your gas mask filter or the sound of your Geiger counter then you'll have more problems than a bunch of mutants trying to eat you. Ultimately, it's all up to you: would you rather be the one exploring a new area hoping for useful resources and human enemies to kill and loot, or will you stick to your survival instinct and avoid as many enemies as you can? In Metro Exodus, venturing to explore certain environments could also cause your weapon to get dirty and jam, negatively affecting its accuracy and perhaps rendering it unusable. As you can tell, a lot of decision making is involved!
Another thing we need to mention is that some of Artyom's interactions with the environment still feel weird, something that we old Metro players have grown accustomed to. For example, and thanks to a long history of linear level design, thinking outside of the box could get you killed in the most stupid ways, like falling from a 50cm distance to a place you're not supposed to visit. For the same reason, you can climb some walls and vehicles but not others. This is nothing but lazy level design in some stages, just like in the previous games, and maybe a little bit of fear of giving Metro Exodus a true open world. The same level of laziness comes near the end of the game, with no epic showdown before the overly emotive final minutes. The ending is effective, no doubt about it, but we can't forget this is a video game after all!
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Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

If you go into Metro Exodus looking for the best FPS, then tough luck. If you go into Metro Exodus looking for the best environments, you might be in for a surprise. If all you need is an interesting story, with some horror elements and good enough gameplay to sustain it, then Metro Exodus is indeed the way to go. It will take you around 10 hours to complete unless you like exploring and doing all the sidequests, in which case Metro Exodus will keep you busy for about 20 to 25 hours. That's if you know how to play and don't die frequently, because loading every time you die or run out of bullets will definitely help to inflate those numbers! Just like every other game in the franchise, Metro Exodus is not a game for everyone, but it serves its purpose very well while giving the saga a fresh look and a new perspective. It also shows that adapting novels into video games is something that Eastern Europeans do very well (though 4A Games' HQ is now in Malta), and after witnessing Artyom’s faith we can't but hope for more Metro games!

Honey's Pros:

  • Impressive graphics are always a plus.
  • We finally discover how the world outside the Moscow Metro looks and feels.
  • The Metro essence remains intact, and every fan will love it.
  • The possibility of choosing voices in Russian and subtitles in English provides total immersion.
  • Ahh, the clean HUD!

Honey's Cons:

  • Artyom's lack of dialogue makes him difficult to empathize with, and turns the rest of the characters unnecessarily boring at times.
  • Some levels have too many interrupting scenes to explain what is happening, and sandbox stages are not that sandboxy after all.
  • Both the gameplay and some narrative techniques feel a bit outdated for a 2019 video game.

Honey's Final Verdict:

Metro Exodus is not the best game out there, but it certainly meets the expectations of every hardcore fan of the saga while also attracting new people thanks to its improved graphics. Also, remember that this game will be more enjoyable after playing Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Night, giving a nice closure to Artyom’s odyssey and maybe preparing the ground for something even bigger. We hope our review has given you enough information to know what to expect from this game, and that you take enough time to experience all the emotions the Aurora and its crew have to share with you. If you want more gaming articles, keep browsing Honey’s Anime!
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