
Weekly Game Ranking Chart [01/24/2018]

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="PLJM-16164" text="" url="" ]

What You Need to Know:

  • Welcome to the weekly Honey's Anime Gaming chart!
  • This week as a slew of new and returning titles, so let's get into it. The only two titles to survive from the previous chart were Ace Combat 7 and Dragon Quest Builders.
  • Moving onto newcomers, this week sees Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe and Biohazard Re:2 Z Version debut. The rest of the entirety of the chart is repeated back for another chance and cinching the top spot. Who will win? Find out below!
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1. NEW!

Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="PLJM-16164" text="" url="" ]
2. NEW!

BIOHAZARD RE:2 Z Version (PS4)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="PLJM-16287" text="" url="" ]
3. NEW!

Super Smash Brothers Ultimate (Switch)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="HAC-P-AAABA" text="" url="" ]
4. NEW!

New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe (Switch)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="HAC-P-ADALA" text="" url="" ]

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unkown (PS VR)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B07HHK766P" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]

Dragon Quest Builders (PS4)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="PLJM-16125" text="" url="" ]
7. NEW!

Pro Yakyu Spirits 2019 (PS4)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="HAC-P-AAABA" text="" url="" ]
8. NEW!

Mario Kart Deluxe 8 (Switch)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="HAC-P-AABPA" text="" url="" ]
9. NEW!

Super Mario Party (Switch)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="HAC-P-ADFJA" text="" url="" ]
10. NEW!

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 Remix (PS4)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="PLJM-84068" text="" url="" ]

Source: Amazon Japan

[balloon_speech align="left" text="Wow. Switch is back with a vengeance this year." image="honey-surprised1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="You ain't kidding!" image="bombon-surprised1"]
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