
Bursting at the seams with goodness
Game Info:
- System: PlayStation 4, PC
- Publisher: XSEED
- Developer: Marvelous
- Release Date: January 22, 2019
- Price:$79.99
- Rating: M for Mature
- Genre: Action
- Players: 1
- Official Website:
About Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal

Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal—which JUST released on January 22nd—brings the 3DS’ action to modern hardware with a full 3D remake and a fresh retelling of the story that has captivated so many fans around the world. This fast-paced brawler provides updated combat mechanics and character models, as well as the new Burst mode for a... voluptuous bonus. Re:Newal also includes a bunch of new outfits and options if you’re favorite part is to customize your favorite girls’ looks and styles. Honey’s got ahold of the exclusive ‘At the Seams’ limited edition which includes all kinds of bouncy goodies! Read on for all the deets.
On the Outside

Proving that great things sometimes come in small packages, the Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal ‘At the Seams’ Limited Edition boxset comes contained in a relatively compact box adorned with the girls lined up in matching frilly outfits, looking sexy and adorable all at once. Like they do. The back gives us a glimpse of the bonus items inside—6 ‘Busty Besties’ (rubber keychains), 2 OSTs, and exclusive DLC—as well as a preview of the action and the game’s key visuals. Simple, sweet and to the point. When you open the main box, there are another two boxes inside! One is the box containing the actual game and the soundtracks, which is also the ‘Tailor-Made’ limited edition—basically the same as ‘At the Seams’ but without the keychains. This box has a beautiful foil background and showcases some of our girls hanging out on some steps being themselves. The back of the box has more scenes from the game and a preview of the soundtracks inside. The box with the keychains is red and decorated with tiny cherry blossoms and reads “Bountiful Beauties. Busty Besties.” A clear panel showcases the adorable keychains without even needing to open the box if you’re keeping things in ‘mint condition’.
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On the Inside

Now to the most exciting part! Inside the ‘Tailor-Made’ box, we find the game in its standard presentation; key visual on the front, a preview of the game and key art of all the girls on the back. The Soundtrack holder has our favorite artwork in the entire bundle! The cover showcases Yagyu and Hibari being cute in bikinis, while the inside has a more covered up but simply adorable Hibari in a raincoat. The CDs are a bit steamier, each with a chest-shot of a girl holding a scroll in their cleavage. Hot! The Busty Besties box opens up to reveal six rubber character straps with display stands and chains giving you the option of displaying them or taking them with you wherever you go. Now, while you may notice from the pictures that the straps are very cute and unique, there’s a reason these are called ‘Busty Besties’ that may not be immediately apparent. These cuties are more 3D than most keychains, bringing their bustiness to life with rounded little boobs! The girls are paired up in silly poses and making silly faces and are just too cute to handle. Hibari and Haruka dancing, Katsuragi and Hikage about to eat, and Yagyu teasing Mirai with a fish on a pole (our fave!) are just half of the scenes included.
Bonus Features

We already got two soundtracks and a dozen cuties to display or carry around, but there’s more! Some non-tangible bonuses come in the form of exclusive in-game downloadable content like episodes that reveal new details of Yumi and Miyabi’s histories prior to meeting Asuka and Homura, all sorts of in-game DLC uniforms, and a playable Yumi!
Honey's Final Verdict:

Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal delivers an authentic recreation of the original game while ensuring that series fans will have plenty of new content to look forward to, and with all these extra goodies, it’s the gift that keeps on giving! Honey’s Anime definitely approves. Whether you get the limited editions for the bonuses or just the game on its own, Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal will not disappoint, whether you’re a newcomer or an avid fan of the series. Have you already given Burst Re:Newal a spin? Are you planning to? Talk to us in the comments!
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