
[Honey's Crush Wednesday] 5 Hasuki Komai Highlights from Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet (Boarding School Juliet)

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The Black Dogs Loyal Husky

  • Episodes: 12
  • Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen
  • Airing Date: October 2018 - December 2018
  • Studio: LIDENFILMS
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Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Preview (No Spoilers)

Kishuku Gakko no Kuloet takes place at Dahlia Academy Boarding School where a war wages on between the Black Dogs and White Cats. Despite the long-running rivalry between the groups, the leaders of the first year groups find themselves in an awkward situation. Juliet Persia, leader of the White Cats, and Romeo Inuzuka, leader of the Black Dogs, have fallen in love with each other. Unfortunately for them, they cannot express their love due to the ongoing feud between the two groups. Inuzuka and Persia continue to live out their lives as leaders of the warring factions, but for how long can they keep their budding romance a secret?

Hasuki Komai Highlights (Spoilers Beyond This Point)

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1. Undying Loyalty

Despite finding herself with a bad case of unrequited love, Hasuki remains loyal to and the Black Doggies and Inuzuka. Hasuki is willing to keep the relationship a secret and is willing to support Inuzuka even though she knows he will never reciprocate her feelings. Although the situation Hasuki finds herself in is terrible and heartbreaking for her, it makes her a much better character for us to root for.

2. Fanged Smile

Hasuki's fanged smile is such a small and insignificant part of her overall character, but it is also one of her best aspects. The fang is so simple, but it adds so much and raises her overall cuteness. Whether she is having fun and teasing friends or in the midst of battle against the White Cats, you will find Hasuki's fang poking out.

3. Smart and Caring

Hasuki has the second highest grades amongst the first years only behind Juliet. Hasuki takes it upon herself to tutor the underperforming members of the Black Dogs. Despite only tutoring the members so she could impress Inuzuka, Hasuki really cares for the members of the Black Dogs and is willing to do anything for them.

4. Teacher Hasuki

During the study sessions for the poorly performing Black Dogs, Hasuki dresses like a teacher. Hasuki puts on a pair of glasses and a suit to give off a more serious vibe and is ready to discipline her misbehaving pupils whenever necessary. This change is unlike anything seen with Hasuki’s usual happy and upbeat self. The new outfit is quite titillating and makes for another great reason to love Hasuki.

5. Happy-Go-Lucky

When she isn't fighting against the White Cats or tutoring her classmates, Hasuki is a fun loving girl that seeks out fun wherever she can have it. Hasuki is always seen smiling and is often found hanging out with her friends. She approaches life in a less than serious manner and is always upbeat and ready to enjoy life to the fullest.

Final Thoughts

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Hasuki is one of the best characters from Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet and is one of the characters you can easily empathize with. With so many tragic events happening for her, we can only hope Hasuki is able to find happiness in the future. What do you think of Hasuki? What is your favorite thing about her? Let us know in the comments below.

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