
The 10 Scariest Monsters In Hellboy Comics, Ranked | CBR


From the beginning, Mike Mignola's Hellboy has featured mystical beings of all varieties. And when you know the detail put into each monster shown throughout the series, it is awe-inspiring. From demonic beasts of hell to creepy crawlies of folktales past, Mignola's world has creatures that continue to inspire fans across the globe.

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Now, with Halloween coming, it seems appropriate to examine the spookiest of the monstrous bunch from the comics. Some are creatures of legend, while others are human-made monstrosities, yet regardless they can still send goosebumps to any reader from head to toe. Here is a look at the 10 Scariest Monsters In Hellboy Comics, Ranked.

10 Werejaguar (a.k.a Ben Daimio)

Making a recent appearance in the 2019 Hellboy movie, Ben Daimio might seem like a typical rough and tough member of the B.P.R.D, but underneath that damaged exterior is a man with an inner demon - one that takes the form of the vicious and horrific monster.

While on a mission, Ben and a group of agents encountered a cult who worshipped a jaguar god. During an attack, Ben looked straight into the eyes of the god, who said this encounter would be the start of his new life. Ben would later find himself breaking out of a body bag, having thought to have been dead (like the rest of the agents.) Now a Werejaguar, Ben carries this unfortunate event on his shoulders - making him one of the spookiest, but tragic, monsters on the list.

9 Gruagach

There's something about boar baddies that are instantly unsettlingly. Perhaps it is the charming elements of the animal. They're inspired by juxtaposed with a harsh nature. And when you find one that is a vengeful fairy from Ireland, the spook factor becomes even more significant.

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Gruagach is a fae creature who came from the Daoine Sidhe - an Irish residing group of fairy folk. He once was known for his shapeshifting abilities, but due to tragic circumstances and some unfortunate run-ins with Hellboy, Grugach became trapped inside a boar-like giant's former body. He makes the list because, like the worst of monsters, he'll do anything to prove how much he hates your guts.

8 Frog Monster

Take the scariest qualities of sci-fi classic creatures like the aliens from V, and you get close to the creepy demonic aspects of the Frog Monsters. Formed by demons, and superior in combat than most human warriors, these slimy individuals are the stuff of infinite spooks.

Created by both the Conqueror Worm and Sadu-Hem, the Frog Monsters are considered the demonic ideal evolution of man, characterized as humanoid creatures with frog-like qualities. They are incredibly strong, so much to the point that they have bested Hellboy in combat on occasion. And with their abilities to do tricks of illusion and shape-shift, they're more than just creepy crawlies - they're a legit threat.

7 The Black Flame

The Black Flame is an entity that has gone by many names due to its several hosts. But regardless of who is the vessel, this monster never loses its creepy factor. From the first incarnation, Raimund Diestel, who took on the mantle after being used in a blood ritual, to the most recent host, Landis Pope, who currently resides as a "god" over New York City, the Black Flame is a monster of supreme abilities.

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With the use of his majestic fire that surrounds his body, he can attack and burn his enemies within mere seconds. Some hosts also can teleport, but all are resistant to water - making this terrifying yet incredibly intelligent monster almost impossible to extinguish.

6 Conqueror Worm

With a name taken from the always creepy Edgar Allan Poe, the Conqueror Worm is one of the 369 children of the Ogdru Jahad. And once you look at its immense stature, it'll make you think twice about messing with a typical Earth-made worm.

After a failed experiment is reactivated sixty years later, the Conqueror Worm came into the mortal world. It can turn humans into the previously mentioned Frog Monster, which, when eaten, will help increase the beast in size and strength. As it continues to grow, it can call upon the Dragon of Revelation from its intergalactic crystal cage.

5 Sadu-Hem

Another one of Ogdru Jahad's monster kiddos, Sadu-Hem, is known for having been left on Earth so that the Ogdru Jahad would always know what is going on in the mortal world. And with its disturbing appearance of being a mass of tentacles and eyeballs, it is easy to see how this beast could produce some wacky nightmare fuel.

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But perhaps the story that makes Sadu-Hem seem the most frightening takes place within the Plague of Frogs arc, in which a small specimen of the post-destroyed creature takes human form and turns an entire town into (the prior mentioned) Frog Monsters. It shows how even the most minor remnants of a monster can carry long term effects.

4 Kroenen

Sometimes the scariest monsters are those with real-world connections, which is the case with the always intelligent but terrifying Kroenen. Whether it be his appearance within the panels of the comics or Guillermo del Toro's disturbing take on the character within the first Hellboy film, this Nazi scientist has always had a creepy factor to him that is hard to shake off.

Sure, he may be known for his scientific achievements, along with having an allegiance with Rasputin and attempting to help him with Project Ragna Rok - all of which makes him pretty darn sinister by association. But what lands Kroenen on this list is one quote from the comics that sums up his arc entirely, "Ostensibly he was trying to use science to extend life and conquer death, but in practice, he was just making monsters." And that's a statement that is impossible to erase from your nerdy noggin.

3 Baba Yaga

With ties to Russian folklore, Baba Yaga gains a spot on this list because, though she might not be a traditional monster, her ways have made her an unforgettable force of terror to any that cross her path.

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Hellboy first encounters Baba Yaga while he is on a mission to find some missing kids. Once Baba Yaga reveals that she ate them for her culinary delights, Hellboy shoots out her left eye - an event that Baba Yaga has never forgotten. This incident, along with her constant encouragement towards Rasputin, has made her one of Hellboy's most significant, and most disturbing, enemies.

2 The Crooked Man

Known for his smile and aiding in violent acts during the American Revolution and the Civil War, Jeremiah (aka the Crooked Man) was hanged for his awful crimes. But the Devil himself was proud of Jeremiah's sinful work and sent him back to the mortal world as a collector of souls. And in his self-titled arc within the Hellboy comic's lore, the Crooked Man shows all the tricks he learned on the other side, in the creepiest of ways.

This terrifying individual lands on the list for two reasons - that war can turn anyone into a monster, and when you're a kid, you should never try to make any packs with a demon. Because, in the case of this particular Hellboy tale, your soul might not belong to you anymore. Instead, it is now the property of this "handsome" demonic gentleman.

1 Ogdru Jahad

The Dragon of Revelation, also known as Ogdru Jahad, is perhaps the most terrifying of the monsters within all of the Hellboy lore, especially considering that HB is the key to unlocking the monster's ultimate destructive potential.

Created by Anum, one of the spirits sent to watch over Earth, the Ogdru Jahad was formed from mud and fire. They would eventually give birth to the Earth's first creatures, who were considered abominations by the other Watchers. Due to this and their overall violent nature, the Dragons became imprisoned in crystal. If ever set free (with the aid of Hellboy's Right Hand) these monsters will bring about the apocalypse - and that's just about as scary a concept as you can find in any fiction.

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