
5 Things Spider-Man 2099 Can Do That 616 Spider-Man Can’t (& 5 Only The Original Still Can)


For a long time, Peter Parker has not been the only Spider-Man. Due to the character's ever-growing popularity, many new spin-off spider characters were created to meet the growing demand for Spider-Man stories.

Spider-Man 2099 was a unique spin on the character, to say the least. Set in the dystopian future of 2099, this Spider-Man, also known as Miguel O'Hara, was fighting against the corrupt mega-corporation Alchemex that rules over New York. All though they have many similarities, there are also many differences between the original Spidey and his 2099 counterpart.

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Here are the five things Spider-Man 2099 can do that the original can't (and five only the original still can).

10 Spider-Man 2099: Genetic Experimentation

Although both Peter Parker and Miguel O'Hara are skilled scientists, Miguel has a focus on genetics. Miguel's genius-level intellect allows him to alter his DNA (and the DNA of others) in various ways. These skills prove to be quite useful when it comes to crimefighting.

Not to mention, it was Miguel's experiment that gave him his spider-powers. Working for the Alchemex company at the time, eventually using his newly developed experiment on himself. Peter Parker can do a lot of things, but develop a way to give someone his abilities is not on that list.

9 Spider-Man: Invention

While Miguel O'hara's scientific focus is in genetics, Peter's is left a little more vague. With that being said, over the years it has become quite clear that he has a nag for invention. Between his many different suits and gadgets, Spidey has come up with quite the arsenal during his career.

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These skills give Peter an advantage in battle. He is able to adapt to different villains and their powers, using new tools specifically designed to defeat them each time. While not as notable as Miguel's genetic experiments, these inventions may prove to be nearly as useful to a crimefighter.

8 Spider-Man 2099: Organic Webbing

While Peter Parker has had organic webbing from time to time in the comics, he more often uses his trusty web-shooters to produce webs. Miguel O'Hara, on the other hand, had organic webbing from the very beginning.

Shortly after Miguel's experiment, grotesque spinnerets protruded from his wrists. Initially disgusted by them, Spider-Man 2099 eventually grew to appreciate the new body parts as they produced one of his greatest weapons, his webbing.

7 Spider-Man: Web-Shooters

Peter Parker, being the genius inventor that he is, developed his own web-shooters. These new tools helped Spider-Man wraps up bad guys, travel quickly from building to building and simply made his life a whole lot easier.

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Not only did Spidey develop the shooters, but he also invented the web fluid as well. Compressed into cartridges that load into his web-shooters, these newly invented webs had a tensile strength that was off the charts. Peter even had the foresight to design the webs to dissolve after about an hour, that way Spidey never left a sticky mess in his wake.

6 Spider-Man 2099: Gliding/ Flight

Spider-Man 2099 has a specially designed suit that allows him to glide for great distances. In the dystopian world of 2099, there are many tall skyscrapers that are built far apart from one another, making it hard to web swing between them.

Given the advanced technology available to him in the advanced age of 2099, Miguel was eventually even able to upgrade his suit with flight capabilities. Although spiders aren't' exactly known for their flight, this new power greatly aided Miguel in combat, even if it messes up the spider theme a little bit.

5 Spider-Man: Specialized Webbings

Although the Spider-Man of 2099 has to stick to his one form of webbing, the modern-day Spidey is afforded the opportunity to switch things up from time to time. Being the master inventor that he is, Peter has been able to develop all kinds of different webbings over the years.

From ice webbing to fire webbing, electric to impact, Spider-Man has utilized all sorts of specialized web cartridges to dispatch his villains with.

4 Spider-Man 2099: Talons and Teeth

One very unique characteristic of Spider-Man 2099 is his talons. Protruding a couple of inches from the tips of his fingers, these deadly talons can be sheathed/ unsheathed at will, much like Wolverine's claws. These talons are extremely strong and can easily tear through an enemy's flesh. At times they have even been shown to cut through metal.

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Another horror-esque weapon that the Spidey of 2099 has is his canine teeth. Pronounced much like the teeth of a vampire, Miguel is able to inject a special type of paralytic venom into his foes if he is able to bite them.

3 Spider-Man: Stick to Walls

Although Spider-Man 2099 is forced to use the talons on his hands and feet to crawl up walls, Peter Parker's Spider-Man has the natural ability to adhere to any surface. This allows him quick traversal in open areas, along with additional mobility when cornered in tight areas.

Not only can Peter use his hands and feet to stick to surfaces, but he can actually also use other parts of his body, such as his back. Yet another useful power Spidey has at his disposal.

2 Spider-Man 2099: A.I.

As one would expect in any futuristic story, Spider-Man 2099 has his own artificial intelligence to aid him on his missions. Known as Lyla, this Spidey's A.I. has proved instrumental in giving Miguel the information needed to defeat many of his enemies. This includes background checks, hacking into computer systems and giving Miguel truly unbiased input when it comes to his many heroic plans.

Although Lyla has been known to malfunction on a few occasions, she has nevertheless proven to be Spider-Man 2099's greatest ally.

1 Spider-Man: Spider-Sense

Perhaps Spider-Man's most important power, it has been his spider-sense that has saved him time and time again. A special type of "sixth-sense," Parker's spidey-sense allows him to detect if there is any incoming danger he needs to avoid.

Without this power, Miguel is at quite a disadvantage compared to his mainstream counterpart. The spider-sense almost makes it seem like Peter has two eyes in the back of his head, making him untouchable.

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